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You two are stupid…

Clarissa PoV:

I stood at my windows, looking out. You decide to leave earlie one time, and chaos starts to break out.

I sighed and grabbed my wine glass, before I poured me some more wine. "Maybe I'm not an alcoholic, but this company will turn me into one…" With both things in hand, I sat back down in the conversation pit.

"Computer, turn on the tv." Instantly, the tv turned on and a random show was playing. I wasn't really paying attention, because I started to think about all the issues at work again.

At the same time, Leonors started to show up in my Mind. I felt myself blush and tried to concentrate onto the tv.

Why did I send her away? My apartment was huge, and she filled it up with life. Now I was alone in here again, everything seemed cold and sad. I sighed and poured me another glass of wine.

Maybe this was how my life went. I met someone that made me happy and after some time, they just leave and never come back. My head started to hurt, as I laid my feet up on the table.

"Great." I mumbled. "Maybe I should… No, I can't do that…" There was a fight inside of me, and I couldn't see if there would be an end soon.

Tired of all that happened, I decided to go and lay down. "Computer, turn the tv off and close the curtains in my room." In no time, the tv was off, telling me to stand up.

I stumbled into my room, remembering how I cought her staring at my wall. "You soon will see how I can bee, my sweet Nora…" There was a chuckle, before I kicked my heels off and sat down on my bed.

She truly was an adorable woman. So sweet and innocent… And so submissiv. I had a smirk on my face, as I stripped out of my clothes, only leaving on my underwear, before I laid down.

Slowly, I turned my head to the side. How would it be with her next to me? I shook my head, pulling the blanket over me. I knew her for less then a day if you count the time that we spent together as one. Still, I was imagining scenarios with her.

With a sigh, I closed my eyes, wishing that someone would be here to hold me close. Not soon after, I felt how I drifted off to sleep.

Leonora PoV:

Corinne smiled at me. "Okay, okay. Now, tell us everything…"

I tried to hold back my smile. "It. Was. Awesome!" Bryce started to drive, as I leaned forward to tell them everything that had happened.

"You told her about your father?!" "I know! I know! I shouldn't have… But the memories and everything. And how she listened to me, her eyes, god you should have seen her." She chuckled at my red face.

"I can imagine." I kept describing to them. "85,000 dollars, like, comon! That's a lot of money." Corinne agreed and Vryce shook his head, as he parked the car infront of a little cafe.

"She owns one of the biggest companys in the world. That's nothing for her." "That's what she said too." We all got out of the car and went into tha cafe. Besides a young girl with a laptop and head phones, we were the only people there.

After we had ordered, we all sat down. "And something else happened…" "Tell us, tell us, tell us, tell us." I started playing with my rings, as the blush came back to my face.

"Did you two kiss?!" My eyes widened, as I looked at her, shaking my head. "No! No. Don't scream like that." She apologized, before we got out drinks and a piece of the cheesecake.

"She got a call and stood up. After some minutes, I had to use the bathroom, and because she was still on that call I decided to just look for it myself." "Oh god, please tell me you didn't…" Corinne shhh'ed him, looking at me to keep going.

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