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We can be… you know. Girlfriends.

Leonora PoV:

When I woke up the next morning, Clarissa already sat up in the bed. SHe was looking at something on her phone and I used that opportunity to nudge my head against her softly.

"Good morning." Her hand fell to my cheek and I relaxed at her touch. "Good morning to you too my Dear." Our eyes met and I could tell that something was up.

"What's wrong?" "Nothing. Don't worry." She smiled, but I shook my head, sitting up. "I thought it was clear that this won't work with me." I grabbed her hand, squeezing it softly.

"Tell me what's bothering you." There was a short moment of silence, before she sighed. Grabbing herr phone, she handed it to me.

It was an article about us and some of the most disgusting words I have ever read in my entiry life. "They can't just go and do that. You sound like a monster." "Because that's what I am for them."

I looked back at her, her face so full of tiredness. "Nothing I do changes their minds." "Then it seems like we have to do something. Together. I can't have them go on and talk about my girlfriend like that."

Our eyes met and I felt myself blush. Turning my head away, I heared a soft chuckle. "Your girlfriend?" Her hand squeezed mine and I nodded slowly.

"Kind of got used to it after reading so many articles." I tried to lie my way out of the situation, but she gave me the look which told me she knew I was lying.

"Haven't I told you that I can't stand liars Dear?" I felt myself blush even more. "I… well." I groaned and fell back onto the bed, slapping the pillow on my face.

Clarissa started to laugh and I felt how she layed down next to me. With her head on my chest, she pulled the pillow from my face.

Our eyes met and I smiled widely. How could they talk about her like that? Just look at her. This woman deserved to be loved and not to be hated on.

"Just so you know… I don't mind you calling me that." She snuggled a lot closer, the same smile reflecting on her face. "S-so that means?" "You are adorable Nora."

She leaned up, kissing me softly, her fingertips tracing soft circles over my throat. I closed my eyes, sighing into the kiss.

"It means that, if you want of course, we can be… you know. Girlfriends." I don't know why, but my face turned red. Like, more red then normally.

Clarissa bit her lip in an attempt not to laugh. "Do you need a moment, or?" I gently slapped her arm, trying to gather myself. "I mean, if that's your way of telling me no, then-" "No! I don't mean it as a no, it's a no for that, not for the question. So no. No wait, I mean yes. Yes! Yes I want to be your girlfriend."

We both started to laugh and I turned my head away, trying to hide. "Now don't hide my Dear. I love how flustered you get because of this. It's adorable."

She turned my head back to face her. "You are adorable." I leaned closer, kissing her softly. Nothing felt more right right now then this.

"My Girlfriend." She whispered as we leaned back, our foreheads still pressed against one another. A smile spread over my lips, as I giggled.

"The others are gonna go crazy if they hear this." "I can imagine. Corinne will probably jump up and down and scream." We both laughed and I admired how happy she looked compared to when I woke up.

How much five minutes can change your life is crazy, hm? I just woke up and now I can call her my girlfriend. Mine and only mine.

Clarissa PoV:

I snuggled my face into her neck, trying to make this feeling last. As soon as this was officle which somehow it already was due to all the rumors, they would try to tear her appart.

Breathing against her neck, I pressed these thoughts away. This was just about me and her now. What the others said didn't matter to me. She didn't mind what they said about me, so why should I?

"I think I am gonna take some time off. So we can relax. Together." "So you finally came to your senses about the vacation?" I rolled my eyes, even though she didn't saw it.

"Yeah, maybe. But mostly I just want to have more time with you alone." My hand slipped under her shirt and I could feel her tense up, before she relaxed.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of her soft, warm skin. "For cuddles or sex I haven't decided yet." The short intake from air told me enough. She was blushing again, I didn't even have to take a look.

"Probably both. I know me. And you." My fingers traveled further up and I núdged my nose into her neck.

"Wanna eat something? I am pretty hungry." I leaned back a bit to look at her. This soft red blush on her cheeks. To bad I didn't have her camera right now. I would love to capture that sight.

"I am not sure I have much in the fridge left. Need to go grocery shopping later." "How bad that neither of us is rich enough to just order breakfast in Paris." Leonora rolled her eyes.

"You are annoying." "Caring and spoling would fit better." I kissed her nose softly, trailing down to her lips. She just smiled, leaning into my touch.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I looked at her. "So? Should I call Nigel and ask him to drop something off. We can have whatever you want." "Even cupcakes?" I chuckled, nodding.

"As long as you don't get a sugar rush and run around, I am fine with that. But I will order something normal aswell. And you will eat something else then just cupcakes, got it?" "What happened to the spoiling?" Now I rolled my eyes.

Kissing her nose softly, I sat up, grabbing my phone. "You are getting some of Detroits best cupcakes for breakfast in bed. If that isn't spoling I don't know what is."

She giggled a bit and I called Nigel, telling him what we wanted. "And now we wait." Cuddling back close to her, I nudged my nose against her neck again, feeling how she started to play with my hair.

I smiled, kissing the nape of her neck softly, watching her shiver. She was just an aodrable woman.

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