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My favourite spot

Clarissa PoV:

Nigel waited for me outside, after I left an 'emergency' meeting. Sometimes I really wonder why I even have some people employed. Without a list with clear instructions, they would always fuck up.

I smiled at Nigel, as he held the car door open for me, letting me get in the car. He closed the door, before sitting down in the driver seat. "Where to?" "Leonora's apartment. We are going to pick her up and then go to my little spot."

He nodded, understanding me without needing further instruction. If everyone just would be like him, my life would be so much easier.

I leaned back in my seat, grabbing my phone to write her.

I am on my way to your place.
Be ready, I wanna show you my
favourite spot ;)

-sent 2:49 PM

I placed my phone onto the seat next to me, looking out of the window. It didn't take long for her to answer me.

Already waiting for you.

-sent 2:49 PM

Attached was a picture of her, laying on the bed, Patches right next to her. I smiled softly, admiring how beautiful she looked with the light framing her face.

Faster then I thought, we reached her apartment. "Should I head in and get her?" "No, don't worry. Just wait here." I slowly got out of the car, looking around and spotting a van not to far from here.

"Great, already watching her." I just sighed, walking over to the door, before ringing the bell. "Hello?" "Open the door. It's me." There was a little chuckle, before the door opened and I could step inside.

She waited at the door, leaning against the door frame. "Took you some time to get up here. Getting old?" I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Better watch your tone young lady." We both smiled at each other.

I stepped closer, wrapping my arms around her neck. "I missed you." She pulled me closer, her hands on my waist. "I missed you too." I closed the gap between us, kissing her softly.

"Ready for our little trip?" She nodded, her eyes glowing in the soft light of the hallway. "Let me just grab my coat real quick." "Take your time." I watched as she walked back into her apartment and came back out shortly after.

"Just as a warning, I think there is already some paparazzi outside." She seemed a bit stiff at that statement. I sighed and grabbed her hand with mine, squeezing it softly.

"I am here with you, okay?" "I-I know, it's just…" She sighed and I gave her a soft smile. "We can stay here if you prefer that." She shook her head, looking into my eyes.

"No. We are going." And with that, she pulled me with her down the stairs. She never let go of my hand, but as soon as she opened the front door, she pulled her hand away.

I understood why, still it made me a little sad. Over the time, she would get used to it. I just need to wait a little more.

"Can we?" She looked outside and nodded, before walking over to my car. Nigel greeted us both and she greeted him back before getting into the car.

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