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As if this could get any crazier…

Clarissa PoV:

I had moved into my bed a while ago. Even when she wasn't really here, I didn't feel as alone as I usually did.

"You too, Clarissa…" She mumbled those words and I assumed that she slowly fell back into her sleep. I stared at the ceiling, thinking about what she just said.

"I want to spend more time with you…" I repeated her words, pulling the blanket higher. Did she really mean that? And should I give in to that? I mean, I wanted the same as her.

Carefully, I picked my phone up and stared at the screen. We were talking for almost one and a half hours. She was still on the call and I thought about, if I should end it or not.

Getting lost in my thoughts, I stared to hear little snores from the other line. "Naww, how adorable…" I whispered, placing the phone back down.

Why should I end the call? She fell asleep and so could I. The tought of having someone next to me, calmed me down. Even when I loved my apartment, it could get lonely sometimes.

I closed my eyes and felt how I drifted off to sleep aswell. Slowly, I snuggled closer to the phone, a little smile on my face as I heard her.

My alarm woke me up the next morning at 5 AM. I groaned and turned it off, rubbing my eyes.

"What was that…?" I winced, when I heard her voice. "Are we still on the call?" She asked and I smirked. "We are Dear, seems like we both fell asleep."

She groaned and I heard some shuffling sounds. "It's 5 AM. Why the fuck do you have to get up that early?" "Watch your language Nora." I could clearly see her red face infront of me.

"Sorry…" She mumbled and I chuckled. "To answer your question, I have to be at my office at 6, so they don't kill eachother. Without me they all just go crazy and chaos starts everywhere."

She started laughing, as I stood up and walked into the bathroom. But not without grabbing my phone and taking it with me.

"So your saying your their mother?" "Kinda… Why? Jealous?" I heard how she breathed in and smirked. "Not that I wouldn't love to talk with you my Dear, but I need to get ready. I'll talk to you later, alright?"

There came no answer and I wondered if she fell back asleep. "Nora?" "Hm? Yeah, sorry… I hear from you later then Clarissa. Have fun at work." I chuckled and looked at my phone.

"Thanks Dear. See you later. Oh and be a good girl till you hear from me again…" With that, I ended the call. A little bit of teasing never hurt nobody.

Leonora PoV:

I stared at my phone. "Did she really just…?" Mirror looked at me. My face was red and I pressed it into my pillow, screaming quietly.

God this woman was driving me crazy, I swear. My shift was starting in like two hours and I decided that going back to sleep would be useless.

"Comon, let's feed you and your brothers, hm?" Mirror jumped at my lap and I picked her up, carrying her into the kitchen. Tired, I made myself some coffee, before I prepared the food for my three kids.

And as usual, the other two walked in and meowed at me, as if they wouldn't have been fed for like twenty years. "Stop beeing so dramatic boys." Rumpel jumped up onto the table and meowed.

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