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Luckiest woman on earth

Clarissa PoV:

When I called her, I wasn't sure if she was gonna answer me. There were no messages or any missed calls on  my phone. I have to admit that I was a bit worried. Why exactly, I can't tell.

"What are you doing?" She asked and I came back from my thoughts. "Taking a bath. What about you?" I could see her face right infront of me and how she was blushing right now.

"Y-your taking a bath…?" "Yes Dear. Is there a problem with that?" She didn't say anything, but I could hear her short breathing through the phone.

"Hard time imagining it? Do you want me to send you a picture?" I smirked to myself. "N-no! No, please! I'm alright and I'm, I'm certanly not imaging anything…" There was a little nervous laugh that came from her.

"You don't need to be embarrassed my Dear. And remember, I don't like liars…" I picked up my wine glass and took a sip from it. She was quiet, almost as if she was scared to say something.

"Are you alright?" "Hm? Oh, oh yeah." There was a subtle hint of nervousness in her voice and I loved that. "We can call another time, if you prefer that." "No, please don't go…" I smiled, looking out the window.

"Don't worry, I won't leave. Now tell me, how was your day." Carefully, I placed my phone besides the bathub, putting her on speaker. She started talking, pulling me into her little world with her words.

I never felt this way when I listened to somebody else, not even with my past lovers. And as much as I enjoyed it, I was scared of what woulc come with the time.

Leonora was more then just someone I met in my life. She was special in some sort of way. I just wanted to be with her, talk with her, listen to her. But this was all just making things worse…

Someday the time would come where we had to part. Not because we didn't like each other, but because I would fuck it up in some way, just like I usually did.

Normally, I wouldn't even have let her that close in the first place. But something inside of me is fighting. Fighting me, so that I can spend more time with her.

"They can be so annoying sometimes…" I chuckled softly. "I bet they can. The next time they annoy you, just call me. I'll tell them to leave." Now she was the one that was chuckling.

"If I do that, they will scream till we both go deaf." "That would be terrible. I love listening to your voice."

The water got slowly cold, so I grabbed my phone, checking the time. "We have almost 1:00 AM." "We sure do." I carefully got out of the tub, grabbing a towel.

"Aren't you getting tired?" "I'm the most produktive at night, so if I'm awake I have trouble sleeping." She didn't seem to mind that. "I would go crazy if I couldn't sleep at night. All the work and stress and then getting up so early without enough sleep. Sounds impossible to me."

There was a little gasp on the other side of the line. "You have to get up early tomorrow! I'm so sorry that I kept you awake that long." I chuckled, laying down in my bed.

"Oh don't worry. Not the first night I don't get enough sleep." Her voice had that sound of worry in them, which I thought was just adorable.

"How can I make this up this up to you?" "Go eat dinner with me this friday?" I stared at the ceiling, mentally slapping myself for saying that. Why should she do that. We know each other for only a week.

"I… I would like that." I turned my head to my phone, a wide smile on my face. "Friday, 8:00 PM, I pick you up?" "Sounds good to me." Her voice told me that she was screaming on the inside.

"Now that we have that, I sadly have to admit that I can't stay up much longer. My body is killing me." "Then you should better go to sleep now. Sleep tight Clarissa and I wish you some sweet dreams." I smiled, pulling my blanket closer.

"Thank you Nora… You too have sweet dreams…" My voice was only a mumble, as I felt how I was drifting off to sleep.

Leonora PoV:

I stared at the screen for like five more minutes, before I decided to end the call. "She really just invited me to dinner!" Patches looked at me, before he walked off.

Still not believing what just happened, I opened my messanger, opening the group chat.

Call me the luckiest woman on earth.
Guess who just invited me for dinner
this friday ;)

-sent 1:03 AM

I pulled my pillow closer, cuddling into it. How was this woman able to make me feel that way? I mean, I didn't even know much of her, but still, I just wanted to be with her and spend time with her.

With a smile on my lips, I stared out of the window and at the moon. Who knows where this all would lead us too?

My mind started to go crazy with different scenarios on how this friday could go. And then went even further. Not long after I was going through a whole life together with her, only to sit up in bed and sigh.

"Now you're taking it a bit to far Lesso. You only know her for a short time. Don't get that attached again, you only will end up hurt." I turned my head and looked back out the window.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

You are lying. There is no way that
the FUCKING Clarissa Dovey just
invited you to dinner.

I can't believe that!

-sent 1:14 AM

I think we all know now what her name
is, you don't need to say it like that every-
single time Bryce.

But yeah, I can't believe it either!

-sent 1:14 AM

How? I mean, I can't imagine she
just asked out of nowhere.

How? Why? When? Tell us

-sent 1:15 AM

I smiled, falling back down into my bed. She asked me to go out to eat dinner with her. I mean, comon, she is the fucking Clarissa Dovey! I still can't believe that this is real.

With a little chuckle, I looked at Bryces message.

Like I said, call me the luckiest woman on
earth ;)

-sent 1:16 AM

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