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To life and to laugh

Leonora PoV:

After Nigel dropped us off at my place, he drove off. Clarissa wrapped her arm around my waist, her head leaning against my shoulder.

"I think we had a nice little date." I smiled widely. "I have to agree." Unlocking the door to my apartment, I could already hear Rumpel and the others inside.

"Watch out. Can't have any of those little fluff balls escaping my apartment." Clarissa chuckled, placing her hand on my shoulder.

It was a simple touch, but it felt like so much more for me. I opened the door, slipping into my apartment with her, smiling down at the three. "I am back, see? No need to worry. And you sir don't need to act as if I haven't fed you."

I looked at Rumpel, who just stared back at me. Turning my attention back to her, I watched as she sat down on my bed. "Ready for a second round?" My face turned red, as I looked at her.

"A-another?" She smirked, her eyes scanning over my body. "I'm just joking Dear, don't worry." Looking away to hide the embarrassment on my face, I walked over into the kitchen.

She knew how to tease me and I think I would fall for it every time. I mean, if we are speaking truthfully, I loved it when she did that.

Grabbing a bottle of water, I walked back over to her. She was laying on my bed, Patches asleep cuddled next to her. "Found a replacement for me?" I asked chuckling. Her little smile just made my heart jump.

"I don't think anyone could ever replace you my Dear. Now get over here, I want to cuddle." A soft blush spread over my cheeks as I sat down, plaqcing the water bottle onto my night stand.

"Just cuddle?" "Why of course. Unless you need me again." I froze a bit, before shaking my head, laying down besides her. Patches gave me a short annoyed look, before he got up and left the bed.

"But, I thought maybe we could, I don't know, w-watch a movie?" Clarissa wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "Sounds wonderful. Do I get to choose." I chuckled, my eyes lost in hers as I nodded.

Before I could grab the remote for her, she closed the gap between us, kissing me softly. I closed my eyes, relaxing. She just had this gentle side when she kissed me.

We leaned back and I looked to the side. "Still flustered? Even after everything we already did?" Her chuckle was low and I shivered. "How adorable."

I tried to ignore her teasing, sitting up and grabbing the remote. Handing it to her, I repositioning myself on the bed, so I was in a half sitting half laying position to watch the tv.

Clarissa just sat straight up, looking through Netflix. "Already something in mind, or will we be sitting here for the next two hours?" "Excuse me?" The look I got made me laugh.

"What? I may not know many people, but two of them spent an enternity to find something to watch." Now she was laughing aswell. "I have to inform you that I am not one of those people."

She turned her head back to the tv, scrolling further down. "Maybe a bit, but not as worse as two hours." I smiled widely, pulling the blanket further up to my face to hide the soft red on my cheeks.

After some time, she put on a movie she thought was interessting. I didn't really pay attention, my mind was far away as the movie started, cuddled deep into her neck.

"You aren't even watching." She complained halfly. "You were the one that asked to watch a movie and now you are laying here, face hidden in my neck." I giggled softly, nodding.

"I won't stop you from watching. But I have much more important things to do, then watch such an old, boring movie." "Say that again and you will terribly regret it." Her voice was low, which send a shiver down my spine.

"Comon. Or are you scared now." I turned my face more into her neck, her perfume surrounding me. "I'll take that as a yes." Her fingers started to scratch my head, holding me close to her.

In the background you could only hear the tv. Her heartbeat was slow, her fingers felt soft. Closing my eyes, I felt how I grew more and more tired.

"Are you gonna fall asleep Dear?" "No…" She chuckled, giving me a soft kiss to my forehead. "Do you want me to stay here tonight." I nodded without hesitation, gaining another chuckle.

"I think by now we both know the answer to that, without even asking." "Alright, if you say so. But now you have to expect me to just show up and stay over." I leaned back a bit, blinking a few times to get my eyes to open.

"Do you really think I would mind that one bit?" "Not really. And it's not like you really have a chance." Cupping my chin softly, she pulled me closer. I sighed into the kiss, closing my eyes again.

"Now go back to sleeping, you can barely keep your eyes open." "Yes mom." Her fingertips softly brushed over my neck, up to my ear. "I think by now you should now how to call me."

My face flushed again and I pressed it more into her neck. "You can be glad you look so cute right now. My sweet little girl."

I could feel how she brushed a strain of hair behind my ear, her fingers softly traing over my cheek. "My Nora. My sweet sweet Nora." Her voice was a soft whisper, which felt like a dream.

"I got you, you can sleep. And when you wake up I will still be there. I promise." She gave me another soft kiss to my forehead, sending me off to sleep.

Clarissa PoV:

I looked at her, the movie on the tv completely ignored. How could she just be so cute? My eyes traveled over her face, before I nuzzled mine into her hair.

Halfly watching the movie, I felt myself get lost in my thoughts. We said we take things slow, but since it got public that I am seeing her, more and more articles came out about us two, saying we were a couple.

To be honest, I didn't really mind people calling us that. Even though it wasn't true. Atleast at the moment it wasn't true. Turning my head to look down at her face, I sighed.

Who knew when she would be ready to get that step. Maybe I was a little fast with wanting this so soon, but I mean after everything we did and all those dates we had, wasn't it time?

I carefully got up, trying my best not to wake her. Not really sure what I wanted to do, I walked over into the kitchen and closed the door.

Stumbling over to the window, I opened it, looking out. The world seemed so different from here. No people needing you to do something right now, no paparazzi waiting, no men making some sexual jokes.

I let my eyes trail over the houses, thinking about if I made the right choices in my life. What if I never founded Masked Inc. and instead did something else? If I still would have met Leonora?

Looking at my hands, I sighed. I can't really say I regret who I became, but who I became makes it hard to life a normal life. And that was what I was trying to do. Trying to life and to love.

I shook my head, stepping away from the window and closing it again. Taking a water for myself, I left the kitchen. Leonora was still sleeping, even though she had changed her position.

Carefully, I cuddled back close to her, her back now pressed against my chest. "What you are doing to me Nora, I still don't understand. But whatever it is, I love it." With that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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