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A bunch of stupid idiots

Leonora PoV:

I walked up to the receptionist, trying to calm my shaky hands.

"Hello, how can I help you?" There it was, I was so nervous that I couldn't speak. For lords sake Leonora, concentrate!

"I-I'm here to, uhm, see Clarissa?" Wow, you sound like a total idiot, great job. "Do you have an appointment?" "N-no? She said, I just visit her, uhm, when I wanted too." The woman looked at me, before she looked back at her computer.

"Then you should be Leonora? Leonora Lesso?" I nodded, my knees slowly growing weak from all the people passing by. It felt like everyone was looking at me.

"Good, just walk around the corner and give the man infront of the black elevator this, he will let you through." She handed me a black and golden card and I smiled at her. "T-thanks." She smiled back and I walked away fast, trying to get away from all the poeple.

There was a bunch of elevators and ofcourse I had to take the one where a creepy man with a weapon stood. Oh lord, I was already regretting coming here.

Carefully, I walked closer, holding the card in hand. "Sorry Ma'am, but you have to use the other elevators." He lifted his hands and came a few steps closer.

With a shaking hand, I held the card up. He looked at it and nodded. "Excuse me, I didn't know." He stepped aside, calling the elevator for me. I smiled shortly, stepping in as soon as the doors opened.

For my luck, there was no on in here and I could relax a bit. My breathing slowly calmed down and I felt how my hands stopped shaking. It was a much longer ride then it would usual be and I slowly started to panic if something was broken.

Finally the door opened and I stepped out, almost bumping into someone. "I'm so sorry..." The woman looked at me, before she kept walking. Alright, seems like everyone is nice here.

Not knowing where I should go, I started to wander around.

"Hey, you there! Red head!" I turned around. Was I wrong here? "Come here!" The panic came back up, as I walked over to the man. He sat infront of what seemed like an office and as I took a closer look, her name was written on the door.

"Hey, sorry to yell at you, normally I don't do that." He smiled at me. "It's, it's fine. I'm-" "Leonora, I know. Clarissa told me you would arive someday. I'm Laughlin, Laughlin Blake Mc Greggor." I took his hand and shook it.

"Please, sit down, I will inform Clarissa that your here." He stood up and offered me his chair, which I gladly took.

When he disappeared behind a corner, I started to look around the office. What were they even doing here? Ossie had said something about gasmasks, if I remember right. But there is no way that Masked Inc. is one of the biggest companys, just because they sell some gas masks.

Some minutes passed, before I heard foot steps coming my way. When I looked up, I saw Laughlin coming back, behind him was Clarissa.

She was wearing a white suit and heels, her stare was intimitating and I felt small, even when I was the taller one.

"It's lovely to see you my Dear." I blushed and stood up, smiling at her. Some men walked out of the hallway where Clarissa just came from and i assumed she had a meeting.

"You, you could have finished the meeting." "That can wait. Comon, let's go somewhere more private." She opened her office door for me and I stepped in.

"Cancle everything for today, I'm not available, understood?" "Yes Ma'am." With that, she stepped into the office aswell, closing the door behind her.

"You don't have to do that because of me..." I said, looking away. "Yes I do. Please, take a seat. Want some water?" I nodded, wanting to sit down on one of the chairs infront of her desk. "No." She pointed to the couch, that was besides her. "Here." Without a word, I walked over to he couch, sitting down.

How could her voice change from soft to dominat so quckily? It made my knees weak.

She handed me the water and I took it, drinking a bit. "How did you feel after your birthday?" "Hungover." We both chuckled and I slowly relaxed. She was no one who would hurt me, I could tell.

"That's what I told you." I rolled my eyes, watching her pull her chair infront of me. "Not really nice." I smiled, watching her sit down. Why did she look so elegant, no matter what she did.

Here eyes seemed glued to me and I felt myself blush. "Did you even know who I was when we met?" I shook my head, placing my water down. "To behonest, I still don't really now. When I found your card the next morning, I had some trouble remembering how it got there. My friends were already screaming at me, that the Clarissa Dovey wanted to see me again."

She had a smirk on her face, crossing her legs. "So they knew, but you didn't?" I nodded. "Actually, I would never have even come here if it wouldn't be for them. They forced me to come here. Said I would be stupid, if I would just ignore the invitation." There was a dark chuckle and I felt a shiver down my spine.

"You should listen to your friends more often. It would have been sad, if I wouldn't have seen you again." My heart made a jump at her words.

"W-what now?" There was a silence between us, not an akward one, but I couldn't stand it. "You don't like it, when it gets quiet or when it's to loud. What do you like?" "Reading books, spending time with my cats." She listened, not only with her ears, but also with her eyes.

"I don't know when I last did that." "You have cats too?" She chuckled at my sudden excitment. "No, I don't. I'm not really a cat person. And a dog would only stay home alone all day. I don't wanna do that." I nodded, leaning back.

"How about we go get us a tea? I think there are better places then my office to talk." I nodded slowly. "But, I don't like tea that much, can I get a coffee?" She smiled and nodded, standing up. "Ofcourse Dear." I grabbed her hand and got back on my feet. She walked around her desk, grabbing a purse, before she pulled me with her out.

"Tell Nigel to be ready and then take care of everything Mc Greggor." He nodded and wished us a good day.

We both walked into the elevator I just came up with, minutess ago. She wrapped her hand around the railing, her grip thightening around it as we moved down.

"Scared?" She looked over to me, nodding softly. "One broke down when I was in it, falling a few floors, before it suddenly stopped. After that I was trapped in it for two hours. So yeah, I don't like them."

Carefully, I placed my hand ontop of hers. "Understandable." Her thumb stroked over my skin and I couldn't stop the smile that crept onto my face.

"I know where we can go. Beautiful view and no one disturbs us. Are you coming?" The doors opened and she stepped out, fixing her suit. "I, I would like to, yeah." She smiled at me, nodding to the door. "Then comon, I promise you wont regret it."

I followed her out and looked around. Bryce and Corinne still stood on the other side of the road.

"Just one second, yeah?" She stopped getting into the car, looking at me. "What, were are you going?" "Be right back!" I yelled, running over to my friends.

Bryce rolled down the window and two faces smiled at me widely. "Yeah yeah, shut it. I thought I was going to die when I walked in there." They started laughing and I rolled my eyes.

"I just wanted to say, don't follow me. Please. You two just gonna be akward." "Ohm, who are you and what did you do to my Leo?" I rolled my eyes once more, standing back up. "Go home, you two." "Never. We're talking about you and Clarissa fucking Dovey." I sighed.

"Stay back. I'm begging you two." With that, I turned around and ran back over to the car.

"I'm sorry, we can go now." "Your friends?" We both looked at the car I just came from. "A bunch of stupid idiots fits better." She started laughing, shaking her head. "How nice." Before she got into the car, she waved her hands at them and I saw how they started screaming at each other.

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