17. (Smut)

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What a view…

Leonora PoV:

I walked away, my face red from her comment. Carefully, I grabbed two wine glasses, placing them on the counter. Clarissa came closer, her blazer already off. She was only wearing a white vest and damn, she looked strong.

"Something special you want?" She walked past me into the little room. "I let you choose, you know all this better then me."

I looked around as she chuckled, before walking over to the windows. You sure had a beautiful view from up here. I have never seen the city like this.

"Truly mesmerizing, hm?" She offered me one of the wine glasses, a soft smile on her lips. "Surely nothing that I see everyday." I smiled back at her, before taking a sip of the wine.

"Good choice?" "Very good." She nodded shortly, as if telling herself she just did a good job. "What do we do now?" I asked after some time, feeling the wine heat me up already.

"You have a good amount of choices. We could watch a movie, maybe play some games or go swimming. Whatever you want." I turned to her, confused about the last option.

"Swimming?" She nodded, finishing her glass. "We are in the penthouse Dear, don't you think I have a pool on my roof?" I blushed a little, as I watched her walk back to the kitchen, pouring her another glass.

"Want to go swimming?" Her eyes scanned my body and on her lips was a soft smirk. I looked out of the window shortly, before nodding. "Why not?" "Perfect… Comon." She grabbed the wine bottle, before she walked down the hallway.

I followed her, walking up a staircase to the rooftop. She wasn't lying, she had a pool on her roof and not a small one. The lights gave all this a dream like flare and I smiled, placing my wine glass on a little table.

"But, we don't have-" I jumped back, when she ran and jumped into the pool. She came back to the surface, looking at me, before we both started laughing.

"Come my Dear. Take off your shoes and join me." I smiled widely, before nodding, doing as she told me too. Soon after, I jumped into the pool aswell.

"Heated?" I asked, after coming back up. She nodded, looking at me. "We don't want to catch a cold now, do we?" I smiled, before shaking my head.

"I don't know how long ago it was that I last went swimming." Slowly, I started to swim back to where we jumped in. "I forgot how relaxing it was…" Carefully, I climbed out, emptying my glass, before jumping right back in.

Two wine bottles and some water fights later, we both sat on the deck chairs, wrapped into some towels. "This was a wonderful evening, thank you."

We both looked at each other, and only now I realised how hot she looked. Her clothes hugged her body perfectly and her hair was just gorgeous.

As I sat there, staring at her, I realised that my clothes probably looked the same as her. I looked down and saw that you could clearly make out my bra under my blouse.

With a red face, I tried to hide it with the towel. "Now you're really going to hide that beautiful view from me?" I looked up and saw that she was standing infront of me.

"I, uhm…" Two of her fingers lifted my chin a little and I got lost in her eyes. "Stop me if I got to far, yes my Dear?" I just nodded, watching as she sat down on my lap, her arms wrapped around my neck.

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