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I won't, I promise

Leonora PoV:

After we spent some more time in the cafe, we decided to get up and leave. "Can I have my phone back?" "No." I sighed, getting into the back of the car.

"You know I could just say you robbed me." "And who would believe that?" Bryce started the car, looking back at me. "Somewhere special you wanna go?" "Home, with my phone." He shook his head and started to drive.

"Nope, you will wait." "But, what if she already answered me? And now I'm letting her wait…" Corinne chuckled. "If she really wants you, she will wait." I groaned, crossing my arms infront of my chest.

"I hate you two." "I know. Now let us be some even better friends and drag you to a book store." I looked back up at them. "Now see who is interested." "Fuck you." He chuckled.

"Wanna go to the book store?" "…Yeah." I mumbled. Why did they have to know me that good? I sighed and gave up. There was no chance I would get my phone back now.

Clarissa PoV:

I don't know much later it was when I woke up again. The nap made me even more tired then I was before. I sighed and set up, stretching myself.

Pulling the blanket back close, I grabbed my phone and looked at all the messages I got. One of them was from a random number.

I opened it, a smiling jumping on my face.

Hey, Nora here. I just wanted
to say thank you for today, it was
really a nice evening with you and
I would love to repeat it :)

Just tell me when it fits for you.
Looking forward to it.

-sent 3:23 PM

I saved her number, before I went back to the chat. She had wrote me some hours ago. What was she thinking, that I was ignoring her?

I sighed and tried to thinkof a normal respone. Which wasn't really easy, if you think about my boss like personallity. "She won't mind a bit of teasing, will she?" I chuckled.

Hello my sweet Nora.
I'm sorry I couldn't answer you
I'm happy you enjoyed today,
because I did too. And I can't
wait to see you again. Maybe this
time I can properly show you
around my apartment ;)

Let me just fresh up a bit and
then we can talk about when we
will meet again.

-sent 7:58 PM

I pressed the send button and placed my phone aside. Even writing with her was making me nervous. Trying to calm down again, i decided to head into the shower.

With some fresh clothes, I walked over to my bathroom, smirking as I passed th chains on my wall. How embarrassed she had looked when I caught her.

Leonora PoV:

I don't know what they hated more. Me asking for my phone every two minutes, or that I wouldn't want to leave the book store.

"They should open up a section where you can leave your friends and come back hours later…" Bryce mumbled, as I handed him another book.

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