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She is not my lover…

Leonora PoV:

I was more then happy when my shift was over. Without wasting anymore time, I got into my care an drove to the park where we all wanted to meet.

I'm here guys, just waiting for you.
-sent 4:09 PM

Now I only needed to wait. I parked my car and walked into the park, looking for an empty bench to sit on and wait. It didn't take long to find one and so I sat down and started to read.

After a while, my phone buzzed and I checked it, hoping to see a message from her. Sadly, it wasn't her.

I'm also here now, where are you?

-sent 4:15 PM

Walk a little into the park, then you
should see me.

-sent 4:15 PM

I looked up, trying to figure out from which side he would come. If he was already here, then the others wouldn't take much longer to show up aswell.

I packed my book away and took my glasses off, only to scream up as Bryce jumped at me from behind. "You idiot! Why do you always have to do this!?" He smiled at me, before he sat down aswell.

"Because it's funny to scare you." "Yeah, yeah. It won't be funny anymore when I die from a heartattack." I saw how he rolles his eyes, so I punched him.

"Oww. Now don't be so dramatic, you won't die from a little scare." Just as he said that, another person jumped at me from behind. I jumped up and looked at them.

"Look at your face!" Ossie and Corinne both laughed, while I just stared at them. "That was it, I'm out. Scare someone else you idiots." "Oh comon, don't play little baby now!" I blushed as Bryce said that.

"Blushing at that little comment? Or do you have flashbacks of her~?" I looked away, sitting back down. "You do!" "Stop yelling around. Please." Corinne walked around the bench, only to sit down next to me.

"Seems like I have to stand." "Stop whining around, this is more important." Ossie lifted his hands in defense as Corinne glared at him. "Now tell us what happened."

I sighed and leaned back, before I started to explain what happened in my break. "AHHHHHHHH!" Corinne grabbed my arm and started to shake it.

"My poor ears." Bryce mumbled, as he covered his ears. "Could you please calm down! You just attract attention!" I whisper yelled at her, hoping she would calm down.

"I'm sorry, but you have to understand… This is crazy!" I smiled a bit, nodding at her comment. "It is. And lord do I enjoy it when I spend time with her."

The three all smiled at me, so I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I'm glad that you forced me to see her again. Happy now?" Corinne nodded, before she hugged me tight.

"Why don't we go eat something? Or order something? I'm hungry." "I'm on his side." We both looked at the guys, before we chuckled. "Then let's go, before the two starve to death."

We all stood up, walking over to our cars. "Uhhhm…" "Right, everyone came with their own car." I looked at them. "My place?" "I'm in. we're just gonna drive home real fast." I nodded and got into my own car.

As I drove off, I notice the subtle hint of her perfume still in my car. Directly, a little smile came to my lips, as I thought back to my break.

Sadly, the drive home was shorter then I imagined it would be. As I parked my car, I looked over to the empty seat. "What is this woman doing with me?"

Finally, I got out of the car and up into my apartment. "Hello you three." They just looked at me shortly, before they all went their own way. "What a lovely greeting." I petted Mirror shortly, before I went to my closet, looking for some more comfy clothes.

"What do we order?" I winced, as I heared Ossies voice. "I swear, if anyone scares me one more time, I'll just kick you all out of here." "What did we do?" I gave them a short look, before I walked past them into my kitchen.

"You all did more then enough. Now, where do you want to order?" "I would like some sushi." Corinne sat down at my chair. "I was talking about real food, not that disgusting stuff." "It is not disgusting! You just don't know what is good."

I placed a menu card onto the table. "If two fight, the third one decides or however that saying goes. We're gonna eat some chinese." "Yes!" Bryce snatched the card from the table, looking through it.

"But-" "We can eat sushi the next time. Now less complaining, more looking." I leaned against my kitchen counter, watching them write down their order.

The sun was gone for some time now, but my friends were not. "Don't you guys have a life or something?" "Why? Want to get rid of us?" I nodded and smiled shortly.

"My social energy is used up for today." "Or she just wants to get rid of us beause her lover is calling…" I felt how my face started to heat up, so I grabbed my pillow and slapped Bryce with it.

"She is not my lover!" "But you wish she would be, don't you?" Now I stayed quiet, which was a bad desicion. "Ohhh! She wants to fuck her!" "Wha-what?, No! No, I don't!" They all just nodded with a knowing smile.

"Ofcourse you don't, sorry that I said that… You want to get fucked from her." My face had the color from my hair by now and I just wanted to disappear.

"Just get out!" I heared them laugh, as they stood up. "We are already gone. Have a fun night and say hi from us. Oh, and don't forget to tell us what happened." Corinnes smirk told me what she meant and I showed her the middle finger.

"Not very nice from you!" "Get lost already! I can't deal with you guys anymore." We all laughed, as the door fell shut again.

"Now we just need to wait, don't we?" Patches looked at me, before he laid down on his bed. "Yes… Just wait for her call…" I laid back down on my own bed.

I fell asleep after some time, which was normal for me. Something inside of me was always more productive at night. But that wasn't the reason why I woke up. I woke up because my phone was buzzing.

"Who is annoying me this late?" I tried to get my eyes to focus, but without my glasses, they really didn't want to. Not knowing who was calling, I answered the call, hoping it was not some scammer.

"Hello my Dear." You can't imagine how fast I was awake as I heard her voice. "Oh, uhm, hey! H-hi…" "Your alright? Did I catch you at a bad moment?" I rubbed my eyes, changing my position to sit more comfortable.

"No, no, no, no. You're all good. I was just sleeping a bit." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." A smile came to my lips, as I pulled the blanket closer to me.

"It's okay, I'm glad you called." I heared her chuckle and what sounded like a glass beeing placed down. "I love to hear that. Sadly it got later then I hoped it would." "Really? What time is it?" "We have… Oh lord, we have already 11:23 PM." I chuckled a bit, relaxing at her voice.

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