23. (Smut)

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Ice cream

Leonora PoV:

We sat there for quite some time, just enjoying the nature around us. None of us really spoke at that time, it was a comfortable silence we both agreed to without even asking the other.

Clarissa stirred a bit, looking up at me. "Wanna go and get some ice cream?" I looked back at her, a wide grin on my face. "Sounds lovely to me." She smiled, giving me a soft kiss, before she got up.

Hand in hand we walked back to Nigel and the car. To my disappointment some paparazzi stood outside, waiting for us. "I'm sorry." "Don't be. It's not like you can stop them." I gave her a short smile, before getting into the car.

Nigel smiled at us both, as we closed the door. "I did everything, but they are not on the property. So." "I know. Still thank you. Just drive us to the nearest ice cream parlor, yes?" He nodded at her words, before he drove off.

She sighed, taking my hand back into hers, placing them on her lap. "They will probably follow us…" Her index finger started to draw little patterns over the back of my hand.

"Write bad stuff about me again…" I watched as she started to trail off into her thoughts. With a sigh, I pulled our hands closer, kissing them softly.

"And if they say you killed someone, I don't care. Just look at me and tell me you won't leave me alone." Her eyes seemed tired as they looked back into mine and it made my heart hurt.

"Why should I ever leave you Nora?" A small smile came to her lips and I placed my free hand onto her cheek.

"Maybe you should take some time off. You could need a vacation." "They would tear their heads apart." I chuckled, leaning closer to her. "Maybe. But you need time off."

She sighed, squeezing my hand softly. "Please. If not for your sake, do it for mine. You always look so tired, it's painful to watch." With an amused smile on her lips, she looked down at me.

"A bit dramatic, don't you think?" "Well, if it is working, then it doesn't matter." We both started to laugh, before the car stopped. Nigel turned around to us.

"I can go inside and get you two whatever you want." "It's okay Nigel. We got this. Just wait here for us, okay?" He nodded and turned back around.

We both got out of the car and it didn't take long for some cameras to go off. Maybe I would never get used to it, it still made me nervous, but the warm touch of Clarissa's hand interlocked with mine calmed me down.

Inside the ice cream parlor we got some looks too, but it wasn't as bad as outside. If you just don't think about everyone and just concentrate on her, this was a normal evening.

"Anything special?" "Citrus. And cookie." She nodded with a little smirk, before ordering for herself too. It didn't take long, before she handed me my ice cream.

"Want anything else or can we go back home?" I shook my head, happily starting to eat my ice cream. We walked back out and sat down in the car.

Clarissa sat down next to me, pressing a little button to let the window between Nigel and us roll up. "What are you… doing?" I looked at her confused and winced a bit as we drove off, scared to drop my ice cream.

"Nothing. Just some privacy, you know." She came closer, looking deep into my eyes as she started to lick over her ice cream. "C-clarissa?" My cheeks flushed red as I watched her.

Her free hand started to undo my button. "Eat your ice cream. Can't have it drip down onto the seat." She opened another button, making me shiver. I was frozen in place, watching as she opened the rest of my buttons way to slowly.

"Front clasp, hm? Was someone hoping this would happen?" I looked down at my bra, feeling my face heat up even more. "M-maybe…?" "You never fail to amuse me Nora."

Her fingers hooked unter the clasp and with one swift move, she had my bra open. My ice was by now dripping down my hand and onto the floor, but I couldn't bring myself to care. There were other things I needed right now.

I shivered as her fingertips brushed over my skin, slowly peeling my bra away. "Wow…" A smile came to my face. She looked up at me, before she leaned down, softly kissing down the alley between my breasts.

"Oh please…" "Shhh." She leaned back up, a sly smirk on her lips. "Oops." I gasped as she lets her ice cream fall onto my chest. "Clumsy." And it was now that I completely gave up and just dropped my ice to the floor, grabbing the site of the backseat.

The tip of her tounge started to run over my skin, slowly licking off the ice cream. "Fuck~" I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the door, trying to hold back my moans.

"Comon. Let Mommy hear you." "B-but Nigel…" She smirked. "Don't worry, I warned him." With a shiver, I watched as she wrapped her lips around my nipple, sucking on it slowly.

"Oh Mommy…" My hand wandered into her hair, trying to move her around. She bit my nipple, making me whine at the sudden pain. "Don't try it again Dear. Got it?" There was this lust filled glare that made me melt and I just nodded.

"I can't hear you." "Y-yes Mommy." With a wide smirk, she started to lick over my collarbones, cleaning me from the rest of her ice cream. I whined, leaning into her touch.

Her hands sneaked up my waist, keeping me down. "This makes it so much more fun." I moaned loudly, trying to get what she was denying me.

"It's up to you. Can you wait or do you need me now?" One of her hands slowly opened my pants and sneaked in. Our eyes met and you could cleary tell what my answer was.

"N-now. I… Fuck, I can't w-wait." She chuckled amused, her fingers running through my folds. "Oh I know you can't." My eyes widened and I moaned as she pushed her fingers into me.

Leaning my head back against the door, I felt her tounge swirl around my nipple. Her thumb started to circle my clit and I whined. "P-please. Don't play w-with me." "I wouldn't dare my Dear."

I started to shake more and more, trying not to cramp up as she sucked a hickey onto my breast. "C-can I?" Her eyes seemed to glow as she stared up at me.

"Yes, you can." She curcled her fingers inside of me and I rolled my eyes back, letting the Orgasm wash over me. "Just like that. You are such a good girl for Mommy."

I blushed, trying to catch my breath. "A-anything for you." She smiled widely and leaned up, kissing me softly. "Comon, let's button you back up so we can head home."

Her fingers brushed over my skin softly, as she closed my bra and shirt back up again. "My place or yours?" "Mine, if you don't mind." She placed her hand ontop of mine. "I never do."

Looking down at my ice cream, I blushed some more. "Made a mess, hm? Don't worry about it." "Are you sure? Isn't this gonna leave a stain or something?" Her smile was just calming. "Don't worry Nora. I mean, you dropped it because of me, so I will take care of it."

I nodded slowly, interwining my hand with hers. Clarissa pressed the little button again and the window rolled down. Nigel took off some headphones, looking at us through the rear view mirror.

"Drive us to her place and then please go and clean the car. We spilled some ice cream." He nodded once, before concentrating back on the road, driving us to my place.

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