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Does the cold hearted Clarissa Dovey have a new lover?

Clarissa PoV:

The day soon went by and I stepped into my penthouse. It was a minor questions, but of course they couldn't figure it out without me.

With a sigh, I crashed down on my couch and checked my phone. And there, one thing caught my eye directly.

'Big news, does the cold hearted Clarissa Dovey have a new lover?' I stared at the title and then at the picture of me and Leonora, kissing infront of her apartment.

"Fuck…" I placed my phone aside and looked out of the window. That was the last thing I could need right now. It wasn't something unusual, I could deal with the paparazzi, but Nora.

My thoughts went to her, and before I could even think more I called her. It didn't take long for her to pick up and I breathed out relieved.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to sound not all to worried. "Yes, of course. Why not?" "Haven't you seen the news?" There was a short silence. "You mean with… us? And the kiss?" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Is it true what they wrote about you?" Her voice was a soft whisper, almost as if she was scared about the truth. "It… Well, yes, but…" I looked to the side.

"They all spread those rumors, because I put my job over time with them." "Oh…" The silence was slowly killing me, but I gave her time to think about my words.

"So… Will you do the same with me?" I held my breath. If I said no, it was a lie, but yes wasn't the truth either. Something about her was just so different.

"I… No, not on purpose. You are, so different to them. I can't lose you Nora." And we said not to rush things. Now I am saying such things. You are really doing a great job Clarissa.

"How am I different?" Her voice was so quiet, almost as if she was scared someone could hear her. "You… You manage to make me smile with your silly little messages. And lord, if you wanted me to come over I would let everything fall, just for you."

I took a deep breath, as I realised what I was saying. Did this woman really manage to capture my heart just for herself?

"You would?" I grabbed one of the pillows and hugged it tightly. "Yes, yes I would." A smile came to my lips, as I heared her giggle.

"You don't know how scared I got when I read that. I thought wow, now if that happenes to me-" "It won't. I would be stupid if I did something like that to you." I cut her off.

A silence fell over us, but this time it wasn't trying to suffocate me. Everything was okay, she didn't seem to want to end things. Or atleast that was what I was hoping.

"But you understand that paparazzi will be after you now, right?" I heared how she breathed in. "They will?" "Sadly yes. And I can't really protect you from them." "Great…" She mumbled.

"I mean, I can let Nigel drive you. He makes sure they don't disturb you so much." "That's nice, thank you." I smiled and held the pillow closer.

After a few seconds, she spoke again. "I wish I had you here right now." My face flushed a bit and I chuckled. "I wish I was with you right now aswell." The silence fell over us again.

"Maybe I can pick you up tomorrow after you are done working?" "And give them more proof?" She asked, a faint hint of fear in her voice. "If you don't want me to, than I will stay away. We do whatever you feel comfortable with."

She stayed quiet, before she breathed out. "I mean, if you don't mind the paparazzi thinking we are… a couple." I smirked and slowly laid down on the couch, holding the pillow tightly.

"I don't mind that thought one bit. The question is if you can live with it. Being called my girlfriend from almost everyone." Even when I couldn't see her face right now, I knew that she was blushing, trying to hide her face under her blanket.

"W-well, I, uhm, don't really mind i-it." I chuckled. She just was one of the cutest woman I have ever met. Just a few simple words and she was a flustered mess.

"So this is settled then. Somewhere special you wanna go?" "Why don't we go to your favorite spot? I wanna know where you go when the world get's to much for you." I chuckled, a wide smile on my face.

"My favorite spot? And what makes you think I would take you there?" There was a soft giggle from the other side of my phone. "Oh comon, you don't really want me to beg now, do you?"

I just chuckled, knowing tat her face would turn more red and red, the longer I waited with my answer. "R-right Clarissa?" With a smile, I bit my lip, trying to stay quiet.

"Clarissa?" "Sorry, just imagined how cute you would look on your knees, begging." There was a little gasp, before I heared a muffeled scream.

"What do you think? You would look pretty cute down there, hm?" "Clarissa!" We both chuckled and I closed my eyes, listening to her beautiful voice.

Leonora PoV:

I laid on my bed, cuddled deeply into my blanket, my phone on speaker as I tried to get my blush back under control. Patches had turned his attention to me, after I had screamed and since then, he was watching me.

"I hate you." "We both know that this is a lie, but if it makes you feel better. Please, hate me." I rolled my eyes and cuddled deeper into y empty bed. What I would give for her to be here right now.

"But you know just as much as I do, that you would enjoy it. Down on your knees, begging for me to-" "Clarissa pleae!" I groaned, covering my ears. She wasn't even here, but she still managed to drive me insane.

"Okay, okay, I will stop. But just so you know, I think I have something new I wanna try next time." With that, she fell quiet. "Lord I hate you." She chuckled and I closed my eyes, trying to calm down again.

My cheeks were red and I was shaking slightly. How did this woman get so much control over me? All just because of one night in a bar.

I chuckled and pulled my phone closer. "Can you talk a bit about your day? I wanna listen to your voice." "Oh yeah? Well then, let me think." A wide smile came to my lips and I closed my eyes.

"I mean, I could talk about my boring work, if you want that." "Anything is fine. Just let me listen to your voice." She chuckled softly, her voice growing more soft and quieter.

"If you want that Nora. Then you shall get that." And with that, she started to talk about her day at work and how incompetent and lost everyone was without her.

I chuckled and slowly fell deeper and deeper into sleep. The last thing I felt was how Rumpel jumped onto my bed and cuddled close to me, before falling asleep with me, us both listening to Clarissa talk.

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