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No one's pov

Sir, the bike that you set the camera on is now active, and we are tracking it. A security guard informed Alex.

That excellent Finally, we know where that moron hides all those people. Follow him and share every detail with me. Alex gave him the command.

What was it? Marco Ask

That madman finally used a bike on which we had placed a camera.

Wowww... That's fantastic! Let's follow him so we can catch him.

We shouldn't rush. Get a list of all the places he's going, after which we can go and grab him. Alex told them.

Okay, but let's check where he is right now. After that, we went to the security room.

Which location is he in right now? Marco questioned the agent.

Perdido is 10 kilometres away, and he's been here for a half-hour.

This is a town in the countryside, right? Looking at the computer screen, Marco questioned

Yes, as well as this location called Hunted. Because of this, nobody lives in this area.

That is why he has chosen this location. What a mind!

Hmm... it's not far to catch him and free all the people he kidnaps.

If they are alive, I don't know what condition they are in right now.

they do. Don't worry; after this is through, we are all free from this case.

especially Sofi. Marco muttered to himself.

Yes, especially Sofi. Alex said it thoughtfully.

Sofia pov

A week passed after I left his place that morning without saying anything. I know what I did or how I feel is wrong. I cried my eyes out all day; it hurt more than I thought. Alex and Marco called to see how I was doing. I told them that I was fine and that it was a good thing that the café was also closed for two days. I also received calls and texts from Neo, but I didn't know what to say to him, so I didn't respond. It's best if I avoid him so I can clear my mind. But I can't constantly avoid him; I have cases to solve. My mind is stuck. I don't know what to do with my work or my feelings anymore. I made everything a mess. I said to yanking my hair.

The next day, before going to the café, I went to the agency, where a meeting regarding the case was being held. I learned there that there had been no missing person cases for a month. It's positive; perhaps he is getting better, or maybe he decides he doesn't want to go along this path any longer. Alex said, they find a place where Neo keeps all the people he kidnaps, and they are planning to catch me red-handed as he visits that place again, which got my attention. When I first began working on his case, I knew that this was what I wanted, but at this moment, I'm not sure why, but I felt afraid and my heart was pounding. I have no idea what it is. It's... I don't know. I can't even express it in words.

Later, I went to the café, which was packed with people today. I think it's Good that I i get busy with work. so I didn't have time to think about anything. Marie was a bit chatty today as well, so it's great to have her here. I'm not sure if working in this café is dull. We are prepared to go after we finish our duty. I look at my phone, and there is a call from him. Then I realise that he might be sitting there on the bench, and I don't want to face him right now, so I ask Marie to give me a ride. While walking, I notice Neo on the bench, focused on his phone. It's a good thing he didn't notice me.

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