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Three days after her delivery. She had been released from the hospital. Marco and Alex look after them both excellently. They also hire a maid with prior expertise handling children and can take care of Sofia. They named the baby Mia but did not give the father's name. However, she gives the baby's name with her own.

the other side Neo learns about it and is eager to meet them. He asked Alex, but Sofia is still too weak to meet him. On the other hand, Alex does not want to meet them because she is in weak health, and he does not want to cause her any stress.

It's been month, and she's much better. It's difficult for them to handle a baby because they're inexperienced with it, and they have many restless nights, especially Marco. because with him, especially Mia gets calm down, and they both love little ones as if they were their own.

He'd like to meet both of you. One day, when they were both alone and Marco was working in the kitchen, Alex said to her,

She looked at him, then at Marco, who was still busy.

Do you want to meet him? He asked again, but she did not respond.

What do you think? She asked him while staring at him.

I believe you should go. I can see how desperate he is to see both of you, but it is entirely up to you. He told her this, and she considered it. Sure, she wants to meet him. She promised herself that she would make him happy and give him a family. She, too, misses him. While she was deep in thought, Marco stated something that both she and Alex found shocking.

I think you should go and meet him. Marco said as he set the plate down on the table.

Huhh? Both, still stunned, asked,

Don't give me this look. he replied, crossing his hand. They both stared at him.

I still don't like him, and we cannot change what he's done, but he only has a month or two after he dies, so I think you should go and meet him as much as I hate it, but let him feel happy in his last days. He is also Mia's father, thus he has the right to meet her. He said this while gazing at both of them in the eyes, as if they couldn't believe what he was saying.

Are you serious? Alex asked, caressing his hand.

Stop there, but Sofia, you need to meet him. He said it seriously. And she just stared at him for a while before nodding.

She's getting ready to meet him the next day. She is nervous but also excited. She will see him after a long time. She returns to the hall, where Alex is getting ready to drive her there and Marco is struggling to dress Mia.

Baby was avoiding Marco and asking her as soon as she saw her. The baby started grinning as soon as she went to pick it up and put it in her arms.

Look at her; she's just like you. I'm the one who looks after her all the time here, and now that she's seen you, she's come to you. He said it with a pretending rage.

Obsoletely, she is like me; I am her mama. She claimed to be kissing a baby.

Ok, come here and help me; she still needs to be ready. He stated it again and picked a dress.

Why the pink? I give you the blue dress. Looking at him, she asked. as she laid her baby on the couch.

Pink suits her more; she looks lovely. He said he was smiling.

No, blue is nice; give it to me.

No, she'll wear a pink one.

No. blue

Why are you so stubborn?

What do you mean? They started again. And both Baby and Alex stared at them.

After a while, they heard the baby giggling and turned to look at her, who was dressed nicely in a white dress. She was incredibly lovely and adorable.

Ohh, you guys carry on; we have a penalty of time, don't worry. Alex said, giving them a fake smile. Both Marco and Sofia looked at each other, then laughed all together.

Okay, you guys leave now; it's getting late. Marco stated as he handed them the baby's bag. And he kisses the little one on the cheek.

Alex and Sofia were at the door when she returned her gaze to Marco, who smiled and thump's up, saying good luck, but there were many more feelings in his eyes.

They are one way: Alex is driving while Sofia is lost in thought, and Mia is sleeping on her arm.

What are you thinking? Looking at her, Alex asked

A lot has changed in a year, she replied, glancing at the baby.

We met as case partners, then became friends, now we are family then I met him, and now this little one is with me.

But hey, everything's good, right?

Some are, and some are not.

Are you still in love with him? After a while, Alex questioned

I don't know. She stated she was taking a deep breath.

Although I knew I was in love with him, a lot changed this year. My feelings have shifted; I can't remember how things used to be. Saying this, she reflected on how much had changed over the years and how Alex and Marco had supported her. Particularly Marco, who has been taking care of her all this time and who adores baby just like his; she had seen him crying for her and heard him express his pain to Alex. She often wonders why she did not fall in love with him rather than Neo.

But maybe it was their fate that she couldn't do anything. She can see how Marco adjusted to them; he put his pain aside and took care of her. He was always there for her, even when she didn't ask. She recalls how he sobbed when she was in labour. The first time they gave Mia, even her baby loved Marco. She began to laugh as she remembered him.

Why are we laughing? Alex asked, confused.

It is just about Marco. She stated that she was still smiling.

But what about him?

Everything has changed, yet he remains the same at all.

Yes, that is stupid. Alex laughed as he spoke.

He is not. Alex rolled his eyes when she said she was glaring at him.

Even though he is the best person I've ever met, I am grateful to have him in my life.

You should, in fact. I know he can be crazy sometimes, but he still loves both of you. He stated that he shook his head.

They arrived at their investigation office. Alex gazed at her.

Are you ready? He asked, and she nodded.

Okay, call me if you need anything. He stated that he cares, baby. They then enter the secret room, where they must meet. She stood in front of the door, unsure what to do. She is nervous about meeting him. She stared at the baby, then at the door; she was going to go when she received a message from Marco. She smiled.

Don't let my baby cry; take care.

She gazed at the message for a few seconds, well knowing whom he was calling baby. When she went inside,

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