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I got to my destination—a quiet place—and searched around for him, but he wasn't there. I messaged him to let him know I was there and told the team as well.

It's too peaceful and beautiful here, and I remembered the first time I came here with him. That day was also too beautiful; we were happy that day, and he was happy. That was the first time I saw him smile, and believe me, it's still unforgettable how wonderful he was at that.

After waiting for a while, I decided to walk to the beach. The sky turned an orange color, and the waves were flowing gently. My eyes began to water as I thought back to that day. Stop it, Sofi; you must be strong; you cannot be weak. Yes, you must work. I told myself.

I examined my phone. There is no message from him, but Alex sent me a message that they were headed in this direction. But what if he didn't show up? I don't know what to do, so I chose to call him. As I was on the phone with him, someone called my name, and I immediately recognized him. My eyes were wide as I turned to face him.

His face and body are covered in brushes, and his hand is bandaged. He was in so much pain, and seeing that made me feel it as well.

Oh my god, Neo, what has happened to you? I asked as I touched the wound on his hand.

It's nothing.

How can you say that after you've been badly injured? What a mess you put yourself in!

It's me; I'm the one who messes up.

What do you mean? Instead of answering , He hugged me. And his body felt warm against mine.

 I didn't realizes how much I had missed him up until now; his body felt warm against me. I miss him.


I miss you. he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm the masses; I'm not sure if I'll get out of this; it's too dark in my life; there's no light, no love, no care; there's nothing but hate and darkness." I'm a horrible,very bad person. all this time I living my life without fear. I don't care what I'm doing or what will happen to me. In the end, I just wanted to die, but then you came along, and everything changed. Now I'm afraid of losing you, that you'll leave, or that they'll find you and hurt you. He stated I didn't do anything; I don't feel my heartbeat; I don't feel any sense; I don't feel like I can breathe anymore; I just feel his hand wrapped around me.

But I don't want to be like I was before. I want to change. I want to be better person for you. I want to be loved and happy with you. I started being happy. I started seeing dreams. The dream is to be with you, to build a family with you, to love you

Please come with me. Let's run away. I promise I will work hard and give you a happy life, please. As he said all the things and my world stopped, if someone else were in my place, how happy would that person be to know the parson she loves, to love her, and to be willing to leave the world behind only for her? But not me.

I can't be with you to love you as much as I want to. That's how unlucky I am. My eyes started to tear up. I lost the word, and I'm not sure how to handle this.

Stop, Neo. Please. Breaking the hug, I said.

Please. I'll give you whatever you want; I'll be a better person. Give me a chance. He stated this, now grasping my hand. I looked at him and said, There is nothing but love.

I can't. I was... but before I could finish, he kissed me and sealed my lips with his. I was stunned and didn't know what to do. He began nibbling my lip, and I realized how much I love him. I know how horrible Person is, but I despise the demon within him. But I love that man who wants to be loved and cares about me. I feel safe with him.

I love that man within him. I was too lost in my thoughts and the kiss, but suddenly I feel vibration on my hand, and it's a signal that Marco and Alex arrived here any time, that makes me come to my senses. What in the world am I doing? It's not the time to be emotional. Then I broke that kiss, we were both out of breath, and I pushed him away.

I can't; I can't go with you, and I don't want to. When he heard what I said to him, he looked really hurt.

Give me a chance, please. I know you love me. Why can't you accept that?

Neo, I don't love you, and I can't live in the dark.

What do you mean?

You said you were bad and that your life was horrible, so I can't be with someone who is already going through hell. I don't love you.

But I feel it; you kissed me. Now coming close to me and gently caress my face, he urged.

It's nothing, just a mistake. I spoke as I stepped away from him. It's hard for me to hold myself any longer.

How can you say this after everything that has happened? Don't lie; I promise I will be a better. He said this while moving near me and holding me tightly.

Stop it, Neo. I stated that I was trying to push him.

No, let's run; please come with me; I give you the best life; I am the best for you; I make you happy every day; I know you also can't live without me. He started babbling like a madman. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. I can't see him like this, and I don't want to. I can't; it's hurting me more than I thought.

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