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Sofia is now 9 months pregnant, and both Marco and Alex take excellent care of her. Whenever they have work, one of them stays with her, and they go regularly to the hospital with her for a checkup. Their bond is stronger than ever, and Marco and Sofia are becoming closer than ever.He is always there for her when she is in pain, has mood swings, can't sleep, or craves something even at midnight, and he even learns some healthy dishes for her. They love baby, but Marco does more; he always talks with baby and tells stories.

After all this time, she had never met Neo. Let's say she still misses him but can't do anything about it. Whenever Alex encounters him, he always asks about her. 

Alex also advise her to stop thinking about him and to give her and Marco's relationship a shot. She can see how that man changed for her and took care of her all this time. Since she is nearly to give birth, Alex and Marco come to live with her. The doctor also recommended them stay with her. They are often fighting over little things, yet Marco gives up only for her. Alex also mocks them as old husbands and wives. Just like now,

I don't want this. As she saw the plates in front of her, she folded her arm.

What's wrong with it? Marco asked who was dressed in an apron in the kitchen.

I get bored eating this type of stuff every day. I want something else.

So you're saying that these dishes, which I spent over an hour preparing, are tasteless? Marco remarked, now standing in front of her, his brow furrowed.

No, but I want something different. She said, with a lovely pout,

Tell me what you want now. Marco asked.

I'm craving pizza, a big cup of Coca-Cola, cheesy cake, and sto... She said it excitedly, but Marco cut her off.

Stop right there; you're not going to get any of it.

But I want it.

No, that's all unhealthy, and your time is nearing, and you've gained weight.

Are you calling me fate? She stated that she was furious at him.

Are you not you? Look at yourself; you resemble a lady panda. As she gazed at herself, he smiled teasingly at her. It's true that she gained weight; it was her last month. She looks fluffy, but in Marcos' opinion, she is cute, but he never mentioned it to her.

I hate you, she said, throwing a pillow at him.

I know, I know. Now eat this. He slid the plate towards her. However, she took up her phone and dialed a number that was answered on the third ring.

He called me fate. She shouted loudly before the other side could respond.

What? Alex asked, confused.

Mac called me fate; I hate him; you come here; I don't want him here. She stated that staring at Marco was deadly, but both Marco and Alex laughed.

You know he's stupid. Don't mind what he said. He stated that he was still smiling.

Yes, he is. When are you coming? She inquired and began eating.

I'll be late; I have to report.

Okk, come as soon as you finish; I don't want to be with him. he said, looking irritated at Marco.

Okay, good-bye. When the phone call ended, she looked at Marco, who was still teasingly smiling.

I hate you. He laughed even more when she yelled at him.


She is what? Marco yelled over the phone.

But how? This early, the doctor told me there was still a week left.

Okay, I'm on my way. He said he was hurrying out of the office and driving as quickly as he could. 

Marco and Alex were both at the agency, working on another case. Alex left early, but Marco stayed in the office to finish it; nevertheless, after hours, he received a call from Alex informing him that Sofia was in labour; perhaps it was time for delivery.

He arrived at the hospital as soon as he noticed Sofia on a hospital stretcher, wailing in pain. Alex tried to soothe her, but the doctor took her into the room.

Sofy... he rushed up to her and took her hand in his.

Macc. Ammmhhhhhh. She wants to say something but is unable to do so. She clutched his hand tightly and refused to let go.

Relax, I'm here. Take a deep breath. He stated that he was wiping her tears.

I'm afraid; it's hurting so much. she screamed in pain. And they all rushed her inside the room, horrifyingly.

You were strong; just relax. Okay, I'm with you. Marco said as they entered the room.

Sorry, sir, but you aren't allowed to enter. The nurse informs them both.

Why ? she need ud I can't leave her alone. Marco says he tried to get in.

Please, sir, no one is allowed inside.

Mac, she is right. Let's wait here; she'll be fine. Alex spoke; his hands were on Marco's shoulder.

How did this happen? She still has five days left; why so soon? Marco asked, and he could see concern in his eyes. He was worried about her.

It's normal; don't be worried; she'll be OK. and we both sat on the bench.

I'm afraid. What if something bad happens to her? She is in a lot of pain. She's terrified. His hand trembled in terror, he said. Alex had never seen him like this in his life.

Hey buddy, don't worry, okk, she'll be alright; she's got us with her, okk. he said, and Marco nodded. Then a nurse approaches them with a hospital form and instructs them to complete it. They began fil form but stopped when they reached Father's name; they both glanced at each other, unsure what to do.

What do we write here? Marco asked.

I'm not sure; we didn't talk about whether or not she wants to name her child after him.

Let that go for now; we may add names later. He said that and handed the form back to the nurse, who was going to take their seat when she stopped him.

Sir, you forgot to write your name here. She told Marco.

What? He asked, confused.

Sir, father's name, and you are her husband; you must put your name right here. Marco looked at the nurse when she said this to him.

I'm not her husband.

Okay, then, boyfriend?

No, friend.

Oh, I'm sorry for looking at both of you earlier; I assumed you were. She showed regret.

Then he? The nurse asked, pointing to Alex.

Neither he.

So, who? The nurse asked, confused.

Later. he said that as he walked over to Alex and sat beside him.

After a half-hour wait, the doctor exits the room, and both of them rush to him.

How is she doing? Is she all right? How is the baby? As soon as they saw the doctor, they began asking questions.

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