Chapter 4;

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We both wake up in the morning to the smell of coffee. We look at eachother confused because neither of us had made it. I walkover to my closet and grab a bat. We head down the stairs quietly and slowly. We hear footsteps getting closer so I swing. "Ow!" The victim yells falling to the floor. I roll the man over and move his hands away from his face to see that it's my guy bestfriend, Nick. He has a big red mark across his face. I go to get ice and I see Sara trying to contain her laughter. "Yenno, we could've just killed him. I'm not sure why you're laughing .." I say with no emotion. "Uhm, actually. YOU could've and he's only unconscious chill out." She says doing some doctor shit to him. "I thought you were quiting med classes?" I say walking over and handing her the ice. "I did, but we already learned this stuff. duh" She says putting the ice to his face. His eyes flicker open and he throws the ice. "THATS COLD AS FUCK. WAIT WAIT WAIT, OW. Give me that back. This hurts. What happened?" Nick said looking around and holding the ice to his face. "Well, Aleah her hit you in the face with a bat. " Sara says gesturing her hand to me. "What the actual fuck Leah. Are you crazy?!" Nick says in fury. "It was Sara's idea! She thought you were an intruder, blame her." I say helping him up. Nick looks me in the eyes and then turns to Sara and shakes his head. "Whatever. " Sara makes a shocking face as he turns around. "What're you even here for?" She says crossing her arms. "I texted Lee and said I was coming over the other night. So I could see you before I go to Florida." "Oh yeeeeeah, I totally forgot!" I say with a gentle facepalm. "Me too" Sara says giving a weak smile. "Sorry" Nick sets the ice on the counter and takes his phone out. "10:55 I gotta get going soon. I made coffee for you guys. Busy day for the three of us yenno!" Nick says going back to his normal happy self. It's usual for him to have mood swings. So, its nothing strange. We all laugh. "Text me when you land and when you get to the hotel call me!" Nick nods. And I throw my arms around him. My guy bestfriend, the one who's like a big brother to me is leaving. This sucks. "Im gonna miss you so much, love you." I say still hugging him. "I love you too.." he kisses my cheek "...more than I can explain.." he whispers in my ear. He lets go of me and hugs Sara. He pulls me in for a group hug and then lets us go. "Bye, ill miss you's!" he says heading for the door. "WAIT." I yell grabbing his arms. He looks as if he's going to kiss me all spontaneously like in the movies when they're begging them to stay but I look away. "We need a picture." I take my phone out and snap a picture of the three of us. He gives winks and leaves off to Florida he goes. I pout a little but get over it. I wonder what he meant and why he looked like he was going to kiss me. I don't know how I feel. Do I like him back? Does he like me in the first place? Was he actually going to kiss me? Who knows. Not me , that's for sure. Oh well. 

*5 hours later* 

Me and Sara are all ready for the concert tonight. I'm wearing a black and blue 'Woe Is Me' shirt, a pair of black converse and glow in the dark blue shoelaces , and gray skinny jeans. Sara is wearing a green and black 'Woe Is Me' shirt with green Toms and white skinny jeans. The concert starts in about a half an hour so we get on our way. We arrive to the venue and walk inside. We hand the ticket man our tickets and he notices our V.I.P badges and has a security guard show us where we're sitting at. We get to our seats and the show begins. The opening band comes out. A medium sized, younger girl walks to the mic and smiles "Hello we are 'Dilemma'. And we're opening up for Woe Is Me tonight!" The crowd goes wild. "Hahaha, alright. We're going to start off with a cover of Second & Sebring by Of Mice And Men." One of the band members takes off his guitar and switches it with the another band member. He puts on the new guitar and walks over to the second microphone. 

- "I believe it's time for me to be famous, And out of place. I believe it's time for me to move forward, When I break through." The girl begins to sing. 

"This time I'll, make you," the boy joins in and everyone is jumping up and down and screaming. 

Proud to see me over, come on day light.

"Proud of, who you raised.

Your shelter, your peacefulness.

So this time I'll make you proud.

Proud of, who you raised up. You know that I will, Always be here till' the end." The boy and girl sing in unison

"Come back so I can say thank you for this, Home cooked meals and a place to rest, My troubled head when you're away, I've passed the test, I've earned an A, Not just in school, but in life, You'll always be right by my side. To help me show, hope to all, That are lost and sick in this dying world. I'll use the love you left behind, I'll change their minds, I'll change their minds." The boy starts screaming and the girl dances around on stage, headbanging and screaming with him every now and then.

" I hope, I hope you smile, When you look down on me. I hope you smile.

This can't, we won't know. I hope that I make you proud." 

"This is not what it is, only baby scars. We need your love like a boy needs his mother's side.

This is not what it is, only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side." She finishes off singing. Everyone goes wild and keeps screaming. The girl smiles. "Almost forgot. My name is Tahlya" she says kissing the air at the crazed fans. "That's Cooper" she points to the boy who did the screaming and played some guitar. As she goes to name the rest someone taps us on the shoulder and says to come with them, its finally time to go backstage...

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