Chapter 30;

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I woke up at a quarter to 10 with a smile in my face. I untangled myself from Vic and sat up. I stared at his sleeping face for a few minutes, admiring it's dips, curves and stillness.

The only thing on my mind was still yesterday. I kept replaying it to myself. How fast my heart was beating, how loud it seemed to me. How nervous both of us had been, I could see it in his face and I'm sure he seen it in mine as well. In reality, it would be impossible to hide anything I was feeling from him. He could read me like a book.

There was no point in hiding things from him, though. He made me feel safe and wanted, needed even.

I kissed his cheek and climbed out of the bed, wrapping the spare sheet around myself. I picked my jeans up from the floor and took my phone from the pocket.

1 missed call, 2 text messages, and 1 voicemail

I unlocked the screen and leaned against the wall while I checked my phone. The missed call was from the Unknown number yesterday, along with the voicemail. The texts, however, were from Sara.

I listened to the voicemail, the voice was familiar.

"Hey, It's not really a big deal because we didn't know them too well but those people we met at the mall, Harry, Becca, all of them, they we're in an helicopter on their way to London... it crashed. Just thought I'd let you know, it's Sara by the way. Okay, yeah call me or something."

Today started off so perfect, and that's such a bummer. However, I couldn't say I cared very much. I didn't even know them, or necessarily enjoy the vibe they gave me. It was like they hated me and I could feel it. I still hoped their families were okay, though. Hopefully I'll be able to make it better with Vic's surprise later.

I woke up last night from a nightmare about Dad and Vic meeting. What happened with him when I was 15 happened again, Vic got into a fight with him. It ruined Vic's birthday, I don't want that to happen. Maybe tomorrow we could go, not today though, no way. I was second guessing what would happen way too much.

I closed my thoughts and read my text messages from Sara.

"Did you get my voicemail? Call me!"

"Are you okay? I miss you. Call me!"

I texted her back saying I was fine and that I missed her too but would call her later because it was Vic's birthday today.

I grabbed my underclothes and Vic's shirt and put them all on. Not bothering to put on pants, it would be unnecessary since i'd be taking a shower when the boys left.

I covered my sleeping prince with the sheet and went into the other room and sat on the couch next to Tony who looked at me curiously.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?"

"Good.. I guess?"

"How was the sex?"

""I looked down remembering the feeling of Vic's heavy warm breath on my cold skin.

"Come on. How was it?"

"We're going to ask Vic later anyway. Was it the best, worst, or was it just okay?" Jaime pitched while looking up from his phone, him too trying to get an answer.

I just kept quiet. What if I said it was good and Vic had better before? Or if I said it was okay, i'd seem like a whore. I'd only had sex one other time, when I was 17 and totally fucked up I don't even remember it and I didn't know the guy. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't say anything.

"Don't pretend it didn't happen. We all know it did, it's about time too. I don't think he would've been able to take it any longer." Mike cut in, sitting at the table.

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