Chapter 9;

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"It's just ..I think he's cheating. His phone and the text and .. I heard you and Austin earlier. I just I don't know. I feel like my whole life is ending as I know it and there's nothing and no one to fix it." 

"You heard?" he pulls away a little still hugging me and starez me in the eyes. 

"Yeah" I wipe my eye on my sleeve. 

He pulls me close and kisses me, the best kiss ever. But for the worst reason ever. I feel like im drowning in his lips. But I love it. We pull apart and he smiles then wipes the leftover tears. We stand there for what feels like forever starting at eachother. Andrew walks up to us. "How can you ...what?" he chokes out. 

"How can I what? Kiss him? How can YOU tell me you love me and everything every single day but you're cheating on me and have been for the past month. Are you fucking serious? Yesterday I walked Kevin back to the bus cause he was drunk and he said 'That guy is at the bus talking to his second girlfriend not sleeping' I didn't even question who he was talking about because I trusted you. With everything in me. You left last night? That's why you weren't in bed? If you need to know, I kissed him because he was there for me when not even you were. My fucking boyfriend. You never even looked for me.. I was gone for hours crying. " I feel myself get ready to cry again but I stop myself. 

"Im sorry ....I wanted to tell y-" 

"But you didn't. Now we're over." I cut him off and run outside to the bus and start packing everything. About 10 minutes later I hear the bus door close. "What the hell do you want?" "What're you doing?" It's Hance. "I thought you were Andy and im packing " I continue. "He just went to.. I mean just went to grab a bite to eat. " I shake my head "With Jessica. Haha. " He grabs my shoulder "You know" I nod "And he still went after everything I said to him. Wow" I close my suitcase and brush past him. Then I hear a familiar voice. It's getting louder and closer. I start running, faster. I nees to get away now. I run to who knows where. I see a park and run to it. I sit on a bench and just think about him and why he did it. why he still went on his date. then I see a familiar face, I run through the trees and to train tracks. I sit down and catch my breath then get a text *Baby (Andrew) <3: you need to be with vic he's 10 times better for you then I will ever be..

Im at a loss for words at this point. "FUCK MY LIFE" I scream on the top of my lungs. I put my face in my hands. I feel a touch on my shoulder and gasp. I look up and it's Vic out of breath. He sits down next to me and puts his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and we just sit wwe don't even talk. He then gets up and walks over and picks a flower. He hands me the flower and blushes. I feel my face blush too and he laughs a little. "Why are you leaving? Please don't leave." I stop blushing. "We broke up I have no where to stay. Why wouldn't I leave?" he sighs. "There's an extra bed on my bus.. if you want to... I mean, you don't have to.. but if you want to.. yenno..maybe..stay with us or something." I smile a little "I'd love that actually ...wait, I thought Kellin was coming and stuff." "no. don't worry about it either. " he stands up and walks over to the creek then sits. I follow him "hey, wanna help me with something?" he nods. "When we started dating he used to buy me all these clothes everytime we went somewhere so I had to throw out a lot of my clothes to have room for his. So now all my clothes are from him and I want to grt rid of them ..." he makes a confused look at me. I shake my head then pick up my suitcase to throw it in the water. He helps me throw it and we watch it float away. "I got an idea." He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. We walk to the mall down the street. Guess we're going shopping.

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