Chapter 19;

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"That's for our new album and we just finished our 2012 one today." Mike says trying to look serious but laughing anyways. "Soooooo?" I say confused. "You can't hear it yet!" Tony yells. "Chill man, just chill." Mike says patting his back. We all flare up in laughter. Why? I have no clue.... "Hey, do you s-" "NO!" Vic cuts off Mike. I glance over at Vic and then at Mike. "What?" I say in complete confusion. Mike looks at Vic and gestures a 'come on man'. Vic nods at him a little and then Mike looks at me. "Do you smoke?" "What do you mean smoke?" "Like, anything." he says. Now shaking his leg. "I used to smoke cigarettes but I quit. And I have a couple weed smoking friends." I say casually. "Well, Vic here thinks that if he smokes with us you'll hate him. Will you please give us permission to-" "I couldn't hate Vic if I tried but yeah, go ahead. I don't care." "Wait, Do you want to smoke too?" I shake my head and he nods. He takes out the weed and starts breaking it up, it obviously wasn't his first time doing this. Mike starts filling the bowl and Vic looks up at me. "You sure you don't want to just go cuddle baby?" He says biting his lip. I nod at him. "No no no, go ahead, have fun." I wink at him and turn around walking away. "Come back!" Vic calls to me, I turn around looking at him. "Come here real quick." I look curiously at him but do as Im asked. He stands up, grabbing my waist and pulling me close. He looks me in my eyes, hard and I can feel it as I scan his face until I reach his lips and bite mine. I quickly flicker my eyes back up to his and realize he's looking at me.. the way I look at food. "I love you so much." he smiles. "I love you too." I say blushing. "No. Like, I really really love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I want you forever.. and ever." I just stare into his twinkling eyes, he's so affectionate and it honestly one of my favorite feature about him. I can feel him remove his left hand from his waist and place it behind my neck. He doesn't break the eye contact, he keeps it perfectly in line with mine. It makes my heart skip a beat. Finally he closes the distance between us with a kiss and I feel like I'm on cloud 9. I feel as if time stops and I don't want it to resume necessarily. I lift my arms up and wrap them around his neck as he deepens the kiss. He softly tugs at the bottom of my shirt and I bite my lip before bringing our lips back to into sync. Mike coughs, breaking it up and I pout at him. Vic places his hand on my waist again and I slide my hands down from his around his neck and wrap them around his waist hugging him tightly. He kisses my cheek quickly before sitting down pulling me onto his lap. "Baby stay." He says quietly into my ear. I shake my head before kissing his forehead and and standing up. "I'm gonna go get changed and yeah I don't even know to be honest." I giggle. He grabs my hand and looks up to me. "Okay" he nods a little. "Okay" I repeat before smiling at him. "Are you sure it's okay?" I nod and he kisses my hand softly. He lets go of my hand and I wave to the guys before turning around and leaving. I fucking love him to pieces. I decide to watch some TV and wait for the boys to come back. About 45 minutes later Andrew, to my surprise, comes bursting through the bus door. "Why are you h-" "Where the fuck is he?!" he yells at me. "First of all, why the fuck are you here? Second, what do you mean where is 'he'?" I snap at him feeling the heat rise in me. "I'm going to fuck him up. " he shouts sounding a little drowsy. "You're drunk, aren't you." I roll my eyes as I stand up. "Get out." I say as I push him out the bus door. "I'm not drunk but when I see whoever made you do that" he points to my arm. "I'm going to beat the fuck out of him" he says going backwards down the steps but making sure not to fall. "Try looking in a mirror, asshole." I slam the door shut and sit down. I'm absolutely furious at this point. How was I so in love with that for a month. I feel my phone vibrating and slide it out my back pocket.

Incoming Call From Vic. ♥

I answer the phone. "Hellooo-." "Are you okay? I heard something. Please tell me you're okay. " I laugh a little. "What's so funny?" "Nothing, you're just so cute. But, i'm fine." "Thank god Tony over here was hyperventilating!" I hear Tony in the back yell at him and I laugh a little more. "Well, i'm on my way back now, love you beautiful." I feel the heat rise up in my cheeks. "DAWWWWWWWWWWWWW." I hear the boys in the background. "Shut up idiots." Vic says laughing. "I love you too baby." he takes a deep breath, which sounds quite sexy might I add. "Byeeee." he says singly. "Byeeee." I copy him and hang up the phone. I continue to watch tv until the boys come back. "AYE GURL" Jamie yells slamming the door open. "Why, hello, sir." I say trying to contain my laughter, but failing. Tony and Mike walk in looking confused and Jamie laughs at them walking towards the bunk until he falls and we all start laughing. I laugh so I hard I feel a six pack coming on and tears are streaming down my face. We finally control ourselves and laughing. Vic walks in delayed compared to the rest of them and just stares at us like we're psychotic. I crack a giant smile and he smiles back with this look in his eyes. This look only Vic makes, and it's weirdly indescribable because I don't know why he makes it. But when he makes it. Everything's perfect. For that few seconds until he blinks and I sink back into reality. This is not wonderland, this is the real world. We can't just fall into the look of our boyfriend's eyes and die there. However, I wish you could. And we just kind of stare at each other our smiles gradually shrinking. Until we realize the 3 boys are staring at us staring at each other. We break our gaze and look away. I blush a little and i'm pretty sure Vic does too. I go to grab my phone to make it look like i'm "distracted" but I don't know where it went. I stand up and see it was under me. I pick it up and put it back my pocket. Vic walks over to me, grabs my waist, and kisses me. But this kisses is different from the rest. it's passionate, and it means something. It's not just a 'i love you' kiss or something it's more like 'you're my everything' and this kiss feels like everything. It's even better then earliers and I could die in this moment. Me and my thoughts today. Holy shit man. I snap back into reality once more, even though i'm still kissing this wonderful boy. We stop kissing and turn to see them all staring again. They snap out of it and sit down and watch tv. Suddenly, Vic picks me up and puts me on his shoulder. I start flailing my body around. "PUT ME DOWN." He starts walking in some direction but i'm not even sure. 'Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic." I whine. "Shh baby girl." I hear a doorknob turn and someone scream "CONDOMS CHILDREN." I laugh a little until he sets me down on the bed. I sit up, criss-cross applesauce. He sits across from me and looks like he's frantically trying to unscramble his words inside. I go to say something until he finally speaks up. "Uh, I told you I have a surprise tomorrow." I nod. "Well, it was kinda two things so I figured i'd give you the one now because.. I honestly don't know." "Um, okay." I smile. He reaches in his back pocket and takes out a folded piece of paper. "Read it." he says handing it to me.


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