Chapter 31;

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After giving Vic his present and the party, the whole night was kind of a blackout. I didn't remember anything after Andrew had shown up trying to "make peace".

I had woken up before everyone else, assuming I went to bed before them all too. I spent my morning watching re-runs of different shows. Nothing else.

I wasn't very hungry. My stomach just hurt, along with my head. And my arms and legs were sore. I contemplated taking a pain relief pill or two, but I knew that wouldn't lead to anything good. I felt something from this decision, something I rarely felt. I was proud of myself. I liked this feeling, and it gave me a sense of control. I needed that.

By the time everyone was starting to get up it was around 1:30. Tony, Jaime, Mike, and Nick had gotten up first and went for breakfast and "venture elsewhere". I wasn't sure what that meant but I didn't press into their personal stuff. That would mae me somewhat responsible if they were to do something stupid.

I waited for Vic to get up. It was 3 in the afternoon and he was still sleeping. It was driving me crazy not knowing what happened last night and not being able to talk to Vic about how I was strangely feeling today. So, I decided to wake him.

I tiptoed to the back room, careful to not make a sound. I pushed the door a crack and peeked in, he still layed the in the same position as he was when I got up 4 hours ago.

Vic's POV~

I woke up alone in bed, too hungover from last night to move. Still angry at the piece of shit who called himself Andrew and his shenanigans. He close to ruined my birthday and I couldn't stand him, even less than before.

I laid their motionless and quiet, thinking about what I SHOULD HAVE done. Replaying it over and over again.

Then, I heard quiet footsteps getting closer to the door. I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to sleep so I wouldn't be forced to get out of bed. I felt like I was being watched. Well, I knew I was being watched. I started drifting back to sleep but I heard her cute little laugh and I felt her climb on my back.

Her warm breath was soothing on my neck when she whispered in my ear.

"Baby, wake up."

I kept my eyes shut and contained my smile from breaking through. She started bouncing and shaking me.

"Wake up!" She yelled, this time.

I couldn't pretend to sleep through that. I rolled over tossing her overboard and into the bed next to me.

"Jerk! I almost hit my head and it hurts enough already!"

"I would've felt horrible and taken you to the emergency room. I could never have something happen to my perfect girlfriend." I smiled.

She kissed me and it somewhat took the pain I was feeling away.

"Why are you so happy today?"

"Because, you sack of potatoes. Get up. It's after 3 in the afternoon and I want to talk to you."

"I don't wanna, my head hurts." I pouted. "We could stay in bed and cuddle and talk?" I persuaded.

She smiled big, and real before nodding. She climbed over to me and pulled the blanket over her, too. She laid her head on my chest and wrapped her arm around me. The way I liked her to when we lay in bed.

"Okay, so I want to know what happened last night. I don't remember anything, I must've hit my head because I swear I was hit with a brick or something."

I sighed. I was glad she hadn't remembered, I didn't want her too, for the most part. But I knew she put so much into it and it kind of broke my heart that she didn't know how happy I was, and how much deeper in love I had fallen.

"I love you, you know that?" I rubbed her shoulder softly and looked down at her.

She looked up at me. "I like you more than pizza." She laughed.

"It's weird, yesterday was the first time I've seen you eat pizza."


I smiled at her, realizing that she really had 100% forgotten everything, well it seemed. I knew I had to tell her, but I didn't want to.

"Is there anything you remember?"

"Only that you seemed really happy yesterday. And that Andrew came but, I don't really remember that part. What happened?"

"I was happy." I smiled. "But I don't know, really. It was all good until he came. He said he wanted to be cool with me but I didn't listen to him and he tried kissing you and all of this shit and I decked him. And he pushed you when he tried to hit me back and you bumped your head and then everybody else got him off the bus. It's all bullshit, he was trying to ruin it. You said you were

fine but, I guess not. Then we all got really drunk."

"Well.. That makes sense then."

I nodded. "Are you okay though?"

"My head hurts really bad, and my tummy. My legs and arms are sore too."

"Want some medicine? I'll take you for breakfast too."

She smiled. "Yeah, but I'm not hungry I'll go with you if you want."

"Nah, I'm not hungry either."

Normal POV~

Vic brought me some medicine and water. He always did so much for me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome princess." He said, covering himself back up.

"Can we move into this bed?" I whispered readjusting myself into his arms.

He laughed. "I don't believe in doing that until after marriage, which means you have to marry me first."

"That's definitely the way I imagined being proposed to."

We laughed together for a few seconds.

"Well, how do you imagine being proposed too?"

"The way they do in musicals. I'm at the park with my love and then we stand in front of a fountain and a dance number breaks out. Animals start singing and then when the song ends it just happens."

He stared at me for a few seconds. "We could work something put." He smiled, finally.

"I hope you know i'm kidding."

"Then we're doing it my way." He winked.

We talked for hours about simple nothings and how happy yet disappointed we were about Warped starting again. The guys got back and Nick came to tell us about his man date with Justin. After he left we decided to go to bed.

"Baby. I just realized something."


"We never went to see your dad."

"That's okay, I've been thinking about it and I don't think it's such a good idea."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. They'll be other times."

"Okay baby. Night, I love you."

I rolled over and kissed his cheek. "I love you too."

**Quick update because I wont have any wifi to publish later.

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