Chapter 7;

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Today is exactly one month from the day I met Pierce The Veil. It's also mine and Andrew's one month. I occasionally get stopped walking down the street and asked for a picture but its no big deal. Sara and Kellin's one month is also today. Today they leave for Warped Tour. Which sucks, a lot. We're going to miss them like crazy. The four of us have literally been inseparable for the past month. Every minute together was amazing. Anyways, Andrew is coming over today, he has a really important surprise. I'm so excited to find out what it is....

I hear my phone start to ring so I answer it. It's Andrew. 

"Helloooooooooo perfect " 

"Hey babygirl, im on my way over right now. " 

"Yaaay, boyfriend and surprise time!" 

"Haha, yes. Besides I missed you" 

"I miss you too, aw." 

"Okay well I gotta go babe, love you." 

"Love you too baby, bye bye." 

I hang up the phone then run over to the mirror to make sure I look okay. A few moments later there's a knock at my door. I answer the door and let my wonderful boyfriend in. He grabs my waist and kisses me for what feels like forever. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck not breaking the kiss. We pull apart and he smiles. "Okay so, I don't know how to tell you the surprise so I brought it with me to show you. Come with me." he says winking. I hold his hand and follow him to the door. He blindfolds me then leads me outside. He removes the blindfold to a bus in my driveway ... not just any bus though. A Warped Tour bus. I turn and look at him. "I can't stand being apart. Come with me?" he says pouting. I kiss him gently and nod. 

*next day* 

I wake up cuddled into Andrew's arms. Ugh, I love him so much. He's so perfect. We're at the grounds for Warped and we're meeting up with all the other bands tonight at a campfire. Warped starts next week and I can not wait. We watch movies and cuddle all day until about an hour and a half before the campfire. I get in the shower and put on shorts and, a Paramore T-shirt and plain black hoodie. Andrew showers and gets dressed as well as the rest of the band. We hold hands and walk to the fire. We sit around for a while talking until Vic walks over. "You guys want some drinks" he asks smiling. "Um, im only 19." I look at Andrew. He speaks up "Nah." "You can if you want to, im not controlling you." "You sure?" "Positive " "Okay. well yeah man." he smiles and kisses my nose. I sit on his lap and we talk about stupid stuff like cheesecake and whales. Vic comes back with his drink and looks at us like we're crazy because of our conversation. "Uh. here." he hands him the drink and smiles. Us three talk for around 2 hours until Andrew says he's tired and is going to lay down but to stay out so he doesn't ruin my fun. Even though I don't mind.  

"You know, he cares about you a lot." 

"I know, I love it." I smile. 

"Aleah. Is it okay if I call you Leah? Yes? Oh, ok. Well anyways, Leah, can I ask you a question?" 

I know he's had a couple drinks so he's probably not thinking straight but I say sure anyway.  

"Did you ever think that the person you're with is absolutely amazing but you think there's someone else that you NEED to be with? Like they're the one, even thought you're already happy?" 

"Well, um Vic... I-uh... Um. I think everyone thinks that but some people know its not true and they're just thinking crazy." 

He looks me dead in the eyes and stares. His brown eyes are melting me. I look down but I don't want to break this.. awkwardly perfect eye contact. "What if I think you're the one, but I didn't want to say anything?" "Vic, you don't mean that. You're just drunk. You love your girlfriend. " I shake my head and roll my eyes. "No, I mean well yes. But I think you're the one. " I stand up ready to leave but he grabs my arm. I wiggle out of his grip and walk a drunk Kevin Hanson back to the bus. I go to the beds and see that Andrew is still awake "what's wrong? " "nothing, can't sleep. that's all." "oh, ok." I climb in next to him and he kisses me goodnight.

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