1 new beginnings

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Quackity pov

Im finally free,

Free from the torture, free from the yelling, alcohol, the pain everything.

I don't have to deal with it anymore.

The constant fear, stress all of it gone i was finally free able to enjoy my life the way I wanted to .

After I went to court I was allowed to keep the house aswell as what it contains and the stupid bastered that was my abuser was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for rape, domestic abuse, substance abuse and other crimes he'd commited.

I had tried to help him get over these terrible paths he'd gone down but I was shoved away against a wall as he smoked whatever fowl smelling cigarette he had making me do them sometimes. Saying.

"I don't want to fuck a boring motherfucker stick it in your god damn mouth" he would scream those days were the worst. He'd rape me not even trying to be gentle just doing what he wants, it left me in dreadful pain for days or sometimes weeks.

When I went back after the hospital it sent me completely back it felt like years but in reality the last time we were in the house together was only a few weeks ago.

I tried to live in the ruins of what once was a happier home. Where hme ex partner didn't beat me and we enjoyed each other's presence before the alcohol addictions, before the fighting. Before the beating.

I couldn't stand to live with those memories in the house that went sad. The bright coloured walls they once painted lovingly together turned grey and dark not to mention torn with nails marks running down them from the times he abused me making me sit against a wall as he did all types of things to me.

I cleared out all of my torn and battered things and moved in with my two best friends.

They'd been dating for a while but and
I feel bad for saying this but I think I've developed a crush on both of them maybe it's just me extreme need for comfort these days or maybe it's just the way they'd comfort me I don't know it's difficult to comprehend but I just what i it's scary falling for someone again. Not that i will be what if I do start dating one of them and the turn out to be the same.

And anyways they wouldn't leave each other just for me.

I've been struggling with that fact for a while I can barely keep it a secret i know they are happily together so to even think they like him is stupid right?

Like my first chapter. 😌

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