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Tw abuße, alcohol mentioned

They were unpacking the groceries laughing and joking around.

It was coming to last few items when
Quackity pulled out a few other items and pulled out a bottle of, beer?

He froze, dropping the bottle that tinkered to the floor and smashed. He collapsed onto the floor his hands tightly over his ears. Everything happening so fast.

"Quackity what?-" Sapnap said turning around. Quackity was staring at the glass the sound was too familiar he immediately went into a flashback.

"Quackity! the fuck is your problem!" His ex screamed throwing a bottle at him that smashed he curled up against the wall broken glass everywhere.

He whimpered holding his chest as his ex approached him, he let out a sob as he hit him he forced the cigarette he had into his mouth it tastes horrible he coughed the smoke filling his lungs.

He hit him again harder this time in the head
"Quackity you know the fucking rules get up!" He said  quackity  immediately standing up.

He smashed quackity's head into the wall over and over again.


"Baby?" Karl said breaking him from his trance, quackity realizing who it was and immediately jumped into his arms sobbing, "no it's ok it's ok" Karl said picking him up.

The sound of the glass kept playing in his mind. "Let's go sit on the couch yeah we can talk alright C'mon sap" Karl said taking sapnaps hand. Quackity was slightly surprised on how kind they were. He messed up why aren't they doing anything to him he deserved it.

"Do you want to sit on the couch or on my lap or anywhere you want actually" Karl asked.

"Your lap please" quackity cried as Karl sat down on couch quackity still glued to him. Head firmly in his neck crying.

"Alright you're ok now sh sh" he said rubbing his hips.

"I- I- h-house,.. -h-him" quackity sobbed not being able to form words having a full on panic attack. Karl and sapnap immediately cooing him.

"C-can-t ,b-breathe" he sobbed  holding his neck. His legs and hands were shaking a lot.

"Chill for a second just relax just breathe" Karl said. "Don't try talk alright, in and out in and out" sapnap said putting a hand on Q's shoulder.

Quackity tried to take deep breaths in his chest rising and falling heavily every now and again.

"Sh sh sh" Karl said in his ear relaxing him. Quackity put his head on his other shoulder even deeper now, whimpering softly.

"My love what is it" he said quietly. "I had a flashback" he cried.

"Oh no ducky can you tell us about it" Karl asked him. Quackity shuck his head. "No! No I can't!" Quackity sobbed.

"O-ok, ok baby you don't have to" Karl said massaging his waist. "Just relax it's only us here now ok he's gone" Karl soothed.

Quackity put his head into Karl's shoulder crying not as loudly but still crying.

"What would you like to do my love" Karl asked him. "Cuddle" quackity mumbled into his shoulder.

"Ok honey c'mere" sapnap said holding out his arms as quackity crawled into them. Karl side hugged the two as they layed on the couch Karl rubbing a hand over Q's back.

Quackity eventually drifted off to sleep the two decided to put him into the guestroom's bed not wanting to make him feel overwhelmed by being in a new place.

Sapnap carried him bridal style to the guest room. Quackity woke up for a second. "Where are we going?" he asked rubbing his eyes his voice breaking.

"You're bedroom baby is that alright" sapnap asked him "yea" he said curling back up to his chest making sapnap smile.

Sapnap placed him on the bed both of them giving him forehead kisses before walking out leaving the door open.

Sapnap looked at Karl who looked upset.

Sapnap smiled sadly at him cupping his face.

"I didn't know it was they were that easy to trigger" Karl said.
"I know neither did I we are just going to have to be the best most supportive boyfriends we can be for him" sapnap said sweetly.

Karl nodded hugging sapnap tightly who hugged him back. 
"You tired babe we could go to sleep aswell if you want" sapnap asked and Karl slowly nodded.

Sapnap picked up Karl placing him in bed getting in beside him holding him carefully.

Words 740

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