3 | why isn't that me?

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Quackity pov

I heard their voices hush as I walked away curiousity got the better of me as he went back to see what they were talking about.

"Yes sap it was you know I think the divorce is affecting him a lot more than we thought it was he's probably reminded of it when he saw that"
I heard Karl hushed voic say. 'They know' is all he thought in a crushes aside the divorce was really affecting him more than he thought it was going to.

He was constantly crying about it mostly at night when there was nothing he could do from distracting his thought when they just pounded and pounded.

"I feel really bad for him it most be so hard like that guy was truely evil to him" i heared Karl whisper a little while after.

"I know like have seen his house" I heard sapnap whisper.

"No why"

'he has pictures' i thought shuddering the house was awful and i couldn't stop myself from feeling slightly embarrassed.

The house looked uninhabited but In actuality I never left all I did was cook, cry , and think of ways to get out.

None of them ever worked it only happened when sapnap came round when he was raping me.

I'll never forget the look of horror on his face.

We were in the kitchen I was up against the wall as he whipped me a still have some of the scars from it today that ached every now and again

Sapnap immediately pushed the guy away beating him until he past out then just cradled me I cried for I don't know how long.

He rang the police with me still in his arms and they took him away, I told him everything that night as he just got more shocked.

I don't know if he told Karl of not I hope not.

I knew he took pictures that day for evidence bit I didn't know he still had them.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard something that caught me attention.

"I promise you not matter how hard it gets I would never ever do that to you ever ok I love you so fucking much you have full permission to run me over if ever even raise my voice at you ok" sapnap whispered voice said before there was a soft kissing sound.

I immediately just burst into tears.

'why couldn't I have that' I thought as I ran to my room to properly cry and let it all out into my pillow not even caring if sapnap and Karl could here me it was really just too much to deal with in a few short seconds.

'why me, why cant someone love me' I sobbed.

I could feel myself having a panic attack already from the memories.

I quickly tried to collect my breaths but it just kept getting harder.

I was basically sobbing my heart out. I couldn't breathe why can't I breath my chest hurts so much, why is it doing that.

I picked up my phone and face timed George. Who would often help me with my panic attacks even going to therapy with me sometimes to know how to help.

George quickly realised after joining that this wasn't a fun face time that it usually was.

No one's pov

"Hey hey hey Lexi it's alright breathe in and out ok" George spoke jumping into action.

"George I-i c-cant breathe" quackity gasped. "It's ok take a deep breath and hold it ok in 1234 and out thats it q your doing so well" George comforted.

Quackity continued to take deep breaths George offering slight comfort.

"Oh quackity do you want to talk about it" George asked looking sympathetic.

"No I'm sorryy I can't" quackity cried.

"Hey it's ok you don't have to tell me I just want to make sure you're ok"George asked.

"Yeah I-i-m ok thanks" quackity said.

"Ok I need to go I'm still at work but I'll call you back as soon as I can ok" George said.

"O-ok" quackity said.

"Take care of yourself q how about you have a little sleep or something calm you down a bit" George said.

"Ok I really have to go now my boss is going to get really angry otherwise" George said.

"Alright bye bye" quackity said hanging up.

Quackity layed down more on the bed trying to collect his thoughts the tears still dripped down his face as he tried to fall asleep.

Sleep eventually over took the miserable quackity who turned over falling into a very uneasy and troubled sleep.


Whooo new chapterrr

Words 755

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