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sapnap pov.

I woke up and turned onto my side as U couldn't breathe on my stomach. I saw my beautiful boyfriends with their arms around each other slow dancing lovingly to the some Christmas Carols coming from outside.

I smiled at them but couldn't help feeling a little envy that they could do this and it not hurt them or get exhausted from moving.

I watched in awe for a bit then spoke.

"Hey guys" I mumbled. The two pulled away coming over to me.
"Hey sweety good morning" they said coming over and crouching beside me.

I smiled at them turning onto my back and trying to push myself up a bit.

"How are my love how's the pain?" Quackity asked me. "Alright" I said taking his hand,

"When am I leaving again" i asked. "Should be soon id say possibly tomorrow" Karl said. "You do have surgery though remember" he added.

"Ughh yeahh" u whined. "Whens that" quackity chimed in.
"Today" Karl said solemnly. "Today!" Me and quackity repeated.

"But it's Christmas" quackity said. "I know but they want sapnap to be better quicker" Karl said.

After about 35 minutes the surgeon came in.

No ones pov.

"C'mon sap, are you ready" one asked. "Mhm" he said his boyfriends kissing his cheeks wishing him luck as he was taken away.

"I still feel really bad for him" quackity said. "I know I do too, how about we get flowers for him and bring him some clothes from home so when he leaves he can wear his normal clothes" Karl suggested quackity nodded.

They walked back getting an uber to their house as they hadn't drove to the hospital.

It was the first time they'd been there since quackity was taken. When they stepped in it felt like it had been years but in reality it had only been about a month.

"Oh my" Karl said everything coming back to him. "C'mon Karl it's ok let's go upstairs yeah" quackity said taking Karl away upstairs.

Karl sat on the bed overwhelmed with emotions as quackity went to the wardrobe picking out some clothes for sapnap.

"Baby what about this" he said showing Karl black sweat pants and a grey hoodie.

"Mhm" Karl said wiping his face. "Karly what's up" he asked. "Just emotional" he said taking deep breaths. 

"It's ok I get it, love" quackity whispered pulling Karl into his lap.

"Do you want to say anything to me baby" quackity asked Karl nodded sniffling.

"Whats that babe" quackity asked. "Just being here again brings back all of the memories, like staying in dark rooms with the blinds shut all day in fear and- and" Karl whimpered struggling to breathe.

"Hey, hey sh sh it's ok, breathe" quackity cooed. "Relax there's no rush" quackity said.

Karl took some more deep breaths composing himself. "Ok- ok I'm good now" he muttered. "Are you sure" quackity asked Karl nodded his head.

"Show me what you picked out" Karl sniffled but smiled.
"This" quackity said showing Karl his outfit for sapnap.

"That's good it's nice and comfortable for him which is definitely what he would want"

"I'll bring him a hair brush as well" Karl said.
Taking one off of the night stand. they left the house after that Karl latching onto quackity's arm tightly.

"What's his favourite flower" quackity asked. "Lillies" Karl said smiling.

They got into Karl's car, Karl driving quackity in the passenger seat.

They drove around for a while as it was 6pm on Christmas day and couldn't find a place that was open. Eventually they found a florist a little ways out of town.

The shop was covered in flowers from the ceiling to the floor barely able to see the pinky colour on the walls.

"Hello do you do white Lillies here" Karl asked. "We do actually, we have a lot of options as well" the man behind the counter said showing them some on the shelves.

They picked some out after quite a while wanting them to be the best for sapnap bringing it back to the counter. They paid for them, carrying them back to the car.

"What time is it?" Karl asked,  checking his phone gasping, it was currently 8pm.

"Shit he'll be out of surgery now were like an hour away" Karl said.

"Yeah shit yeah he doesn't have his phone either so we can't call him" quackity said.

Karl sped down the road to the hospital wanting to get there Asap.

They did the hour drive in 45 minutes. Sprinting up the stairs into sapnaps room. Sapnap was just about awake and he looked really upset. "Sweetheart we are so sorry" Karl said putting the flowers down.

"Baby whats wrong hey, it's us we are here now" Karl cooed. "Thought you left me" sapnap whimpered. "Of course not we went to go get you some clothes and flowers we wouldn't dream of leaving you" quackity said join them in the bed.

"Oh sweetie we won't ever leave you" quackity said.
Sapnap sniffled into quackity's chest "oh baby don't cry" he cooed. Sapnap wrapped his arms around his neck.

"My baby it's ok" quackity comforted. "Did I do something wrong why did you leave" sapnap sobbed.

"No you didn't we wanted to get you something to wear it's not your fault we lost track of time, don't cry we are here now" quackity said.

The surgeon came in. "Hey guys welcome back, sapnaps surgery went really well and he'll be able to go home this time tomorrow" he said sapnap making no recollection that he heard him.

"Is he ok?" He asked. "He thought we left him" Karl said.
"Oh, hey sapnap, you know they would never ok they've been by your side this entire time I don't think they'd leave you now" the surgeon said his hand on sapnaps arms. Sapnap nodded sniffling.

"I'll leave you guys alone now but I'll see you tomorrow" he said sweetly walking out of the room.

"He's nice" quackity said sapnap nodded agreeing.

"You excited to go home?" Quackity asked. "Yes" sapnap muttered.

"Are you tired" Karl asked Sapnap shook his head. "Just emotional" sapnap mumbled. "That's ok it's hard right now" quackity said snuggling him into his side.

"I love you guys" sapnap said. "Thanks for staying with me" sapnap added. "Of course amor" quackity said.

Words 1065🐘💖

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