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quackity stirred and eventually awoke.

"Huh Karl, sapnap" he mumbled shifting to wake up fully.

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and his feet hit the tile floor.

He shuffled into Karl and sapnaps bedroom.

As he walked in sapnap sat up holding his arms out. "C'mere babe" he whispered. Karl also sitting up for him.

Quackity crawled in onto sapnaps lap.

"Hi baby you feeling better?" Sapnap asked quackity putting his head in his shoulder. "Yes" he whispered feeling sapnaps hand trace his back.

"I'm glad" he whispers into his ear kissing his hair.

Karl's hand ran up and down his head playing with his shoulder length hair.

Quackity hummed in content. "Thank you so much I'm never able to calm myself down when that happens" he mumbled into sapnaps shoulder.

"Of course baby we'd never let you go through that alone, come to us whenever that happens" sapnap said.

"O-ok" quackity hummed stifling a yawn.

"Don't you have a therapy appointment today" Karl said stroking his head. Quackity groaned loudly, nodding.

"Do I have to gooo" he whined. "Yes baby I'm sorry but you do" sapnap said sitting up.

"Finee" quackity said getting out of bed and yawning. "What time babe do you want me to drive you" Karl asked. "Yes please I think it's in at like 1" he said.

It was currently 11 am.

"Alright you two get dressed I'll have breakfast ready when you come down" sapnap said throwing on a clean, fresh tshirt.

The three are breakfast then Karl drove quackity to the appointment waiting for him outside

Quackity went in and checked in at the receptionist with one of his best friends. She helped him through so much, she used to be his therapist until she got promoted.

Quackity went into the room immediately realising it wasn't the usual therapist.

"Em hello" quackity said the man who was sitting there immediately made him uncomfortable but he wasn't sure why.

"Ok let's talk about the abuse what did he do to you" the therapist asked straight to the poing.

"Em I don't want to say" quackity mumbled. The therapist scoffed rolling his eyes.

"And how do you think we're meant to get anywhere if you're not gonna tell me anything" he said sounding annoyed quackity curled in on himself his eyes widening.

"I-i-m just not comfortable" he said trying not to cry. "Now you're crying, I think the reason you won't tell me is that you were asking for it looking at you now I think he was doing you a favour, slut" he said.

Quackity burst into tears not being able to hold them back.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to" he said.

"But you did didn't you" he said. He got up and ran out of the office.

"Alex you ok" he heard the receptionist say but he was already out the door running to Karl's car.

"Hey quack- oh baby what's wrong" Karl said completely confused, quackity completely broke down Karl wrapped his arms tightly around him and he sobbed hysterically into them.

"You don't have to talk to me but I'm here if you need to" Karl said tangling his fingers into his hair quackity liking how he said need instead of want.

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