you'll get through it

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Quackity had relaxed after last night he spent a while hiccuping in Karl's just as he comforted him.
Quackity and Karl sat on the side of sapnaps bed watching as he slept peacefully.

Quackity and Karl watched as doctors came in and out checking sapnaps vitals and other things, he mostly slept the whole time exhausted. Quackity and Karl didn't want him to wake up as they couldn't stand seeing their baby so upset and in pain.

"Hello I'm here to change his bandages" the doctor said walking in.

"Oh yeah, sappy wake up please, I know you don't want to" Karl said into his ear. Sapnap made a little noise opening his eyes.

"Hey baby, are you ok" Karl asked him. He nodded his head shakily.

"Hey sapnap I'm just here to change your bandages ok, do you mind sitting up for me please there you go, well done" he said sapnap cringing at how he was treating him. 'im not a child' he thought.

He did what he was asked anyways with a little help from his partners.

"You'll be the ones taking care of him when he leaves, yes?" He asked the two nodded.

"Ok I'll show you how to do this. Every two or so days for another 2 months should be good" he said showing them how to clean it.

It seemed to be very uncomfortable for sapnap who's eyes were screwed up in pain. Quackity thought he'd never be able to do this to him he couldn't hurt his lover.

After he was done his lover's lowered him down.
"Well done sapnap you did really well" he said smiling at him.

"Please don't talk to me like that" sapnap whispered extremely uncomfortable. His face was cringing and his eyes were scared bit also annoyed. His head was lowered slightly.

The doctor was lost for words. "Ok I'll see you guys soon then" the doctor said leaving them be.

"Sap you alright" Karl asked him.

Sapnap rolled his eyes still looking at the door tears already fighting their way out of his eyes.

"I know hun, I know" Karl said. "I hate being treated like that" sapnap said.

"We know lovely he didn't mean it" quackity said.

"I'm so uncomfortable" he mumbled. "What do you need us to do, do you want us to leave you be" Karl asked.

Sapnap nodded sniffling. "Ok lovely we'll just be over here ok if you need us" Karl said going over to pick quackity up.

Sapnap sniffled wiping his eyes trying to sleep.

He really didn't feel good he usually would be alright if his boyfriends talked to him like that but not a man he didn't know.

He was already feeling dizzy and weak which made him feel nauseous and even more. His back hurt, he wanted to be in his own bed he didn't want to feel like this,

He hated being treated like a child, growing up he lived in a stereotypical house hold, he was always taught at a young age to hold in his emotions and be a man, he hated himself for looking week he didn't want his partners to see him like this anymore it was embarrassing he wanted to take care of them but he couldn't he was hear lying in this dumb hospital bed as they cared for him. It was humiliating for him.

He whimpered more his sobs growing louder he didn't even notice.

Quackity tried to get out of the bed in the corner to go to him but Karl grabbed his wrist shaking his head at him.

"Best not bother him right now, unless he asks us to" he whispered. "Ok baby" quackity whispered back.

Sapnap sobbed harder his stomach was churning he felt nauseous. He thought it was because of his major dizziness, the room was spinning and he couldn't even see straight.

He hadn't eaten anything in 4 days not wanting to feel worse.

He couldn't take it anymore and didn't even think that this could be embarrassing he just needed his lover's help.

"Karl, quackity" he whispered. "Yes love" they both replied. "My stomach hurts, I don't feel good" he mumbled.

"Baby" Karl said sitting up in bed. "Can I touch you" he asked sapnap nodded. Karl brushed his hair out of his face.

"Are you going to throw up love" Karl asked him.

"Probably" he mumbled. "Ok, it's ok" Karl said soothingly.

"You'll be ok can I get you some water" Karl asked.

"Mhm" sapnap mumbled. Quackity got up from his bed walking over to him he got in beside him holding him around the waist. He stroked sapnaps hair carefully detangling it.

"Here you are love" Karl said passing him a cup of water. Sapnap took a sip.

"The bins here alright baby just let me know if you need it"Karl said as sapnap coughed as he put the cup on the table beside them.

"Sh sh sh youre ok" Karl said putting sapnaps head in his chest.

"It's ok it's ok" quackity said as he massaged sapnaps stomach for him.

Sapnap hummed sniffling. "This isn't embarrassing baby your aren't well let us take care of you" quackity said running a hand through sapnaps hair.

"Q's right baby we'll always leave you alone when you need us to but we are also here to help you" Karl said kissing his head.

Sapnap just sniffled again losing his eyes. Pretending he was somewhere else anywhere else.

Words 916

Love you guys so much.

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