6 tell

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Karl sat down on quackity's bed. "Look Karl I'm really sorry please don't tell sapnap just em listen for a sec-"

"Quackity I have to tell him he's  my boyfriend" Karl exclaimed he sound ticked off.

"I know I just d-dont kn-know w-whats going o-on a-anymore a-and-" quackity started breaking down. "Oh quackity I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten mad ok please try explain it to me" Karl said wiping a tear from quackity's bed.

"I think I've just been feeling like a lack of something I don't know like I miss him and I feel like empty" quackity said taking deep breaths.

"I get it even though he was abusive he was still your husband" Karl said. "Not exactly or maybe it is don't know its like lack of warmth    like I'm alone no one's by other half I don't know it probably makes no sense. It's just and I feel really bad when I look at you and sap together I feel almost jealous like why don't I have that why didn't mine work"

"Alright I think I understand a bit more, the kiss was just your need for some form of affections you didn't think about"

"Yes I think so anyway I still haven't really figured out everything yet" quackity mumbled.

"That's ok divorce is hard ok I've seen it with sapnaps parents there's lots of different side affects that no one really thinks about just know youre not alone well always be with you" Karl said.

"Thank you so much Karl this all means a lot to me" quackity said putting his head on Karl's shoulder.

"No problem ok I may not understand everything but I'm willing to try ok" Karl said. Rubbing his side.

Quackity smiled sadly at the ground. "Thank you, you're a great friend Karl I was so worried you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore"

"Quackity it's ok it just happened ok I would never want to loose you as a friend"
Karl said.

'friend' quackity thought the word seemed to hurt him but he didn't know why.

"Alright I really need to get back to sapnap he gets so protective sometimes" Karl said rolling his eyes. Turning to leave.

"Karl wai-" quackity started wanting to tell him not to tell sapnap but he was already gone.

'im going to seem like a real dickhead if he tells him' he thought flopping on the bed.

"Karl what's going on you guys ok" sapnap asked him he was still sitting on the toilet lid patting his lap for Karl to sit in which he did. "You alright babe" sapnap asked.

"Yeah it's ok now" Karl said nuzzling into his shoulder. "Karl, I'm going to need more detail I haven't seen you that upset in a while hun tell me"

"Ok don't get mad alright"

"I may or may not have accidentally kissed quackity" Karl said looking in his lover's eyes as they turned into a shocked and slightly angry situation.

"I can explain quackity was really upset he had another one of those dreams he had and he explained it he says he thinks he has a lack of warmth or love or something and he wanted human affection"

"Yeah but Karl that's no real reason to kiss my boyfriend" sapnap said and he looked annoyed.
"Darling it's ok calm down"

"Karl I can't just sit here and agree with him kissing you"

"I thought you wanted to help him" Karl said getting pissed off aswell.

"Helping isn't letting him kiss you"

"Ah sapnap that's not fair" Karl said getting of his lap.

"Karl were you ok with it?" Sapnap asked.

"No" Karl sighed looking down.

"See it made you cry sweetie" sapnap said trying to sound sympathetic holding Karl's hands which were slapped away.

"I was crying cause I knew this is how you'd react nothing quackity did!" Karl said raising his voice.

Sapnap didn't know how to react after that.

"Look sap I know this isn't ideal ok but he needs help and I can promise you the kiss meant nothing ok we'll always have each other and no one can replace you love" Karl said hugging sapnap tightly who hugged him back tightly the two staying like that for a while.

Ok ok yep maybe I forgot about this book but In my defence.....

Ok yea alright I just forgot 🐥

Words 740

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