Christmas at the hospital

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Today was Christmas day at 10:53am to be exact quackity was currently cuddling up to sapnap his head deep into his chest.

Sapnap was fast asleep his nose nuzzled in quackity's hair as soft breathing was heard from there.

Quackity was still awake rubbing a hand up and down sapnap back avoiding the bandages.

A short groan was heard then movement as sapnap woke up. "Hello?" He said. "Good morning mi amor" quackity said looking up at him kissing his lips quickly.

Sapnap smiled and turned onto his back. Karl smiled at him getting up to kiss his forehead. Quackity got up sitting on Karl's lap.

"Merry Christmas babies" Karl said a hand wrapped around quackitys stomach and the other holding sapnaps hand.

The two smiled at him.

"What time is it" sapnap said. "It's 11 am" Karl said.
"Hmm it's Christmas" sapnap mumbled closing his eyes. "Yes it is baby I have something for you" Karl said.

"Hmm really?" sapnap asked. "Yes love can you sit up for me" Karl said helping him up.

Karl put quackity on the bed carrying a few boxes to the bed.

"Ok, here you are lovely" Karl said putting a fairly large box on his lap.
"Are you sure?, I didn't get you anything" sapnap said feeling guilty.
"It's ok mi amor it's alright our present is that you are ok and healthy ok don't worry about it" quackity cooed smiling.

"Thanks" sapnap replied. "Now C'mon open it" Karl said drumming his hands on the box.

Sapnap slowly unwrapped the paper around it opening the box. "Oh my god" sapnap said.

It was a beautiful, glossy, acoustic guitar, sapnap stared at it in awe.

"Thank you so much" sapnap said his mouth open wide.
"You're welcome I know you've been wanting one for a while and I thought given the circumstances that it would be a good time to buy it for you since you can't do much else for a while, also I know the guy who makes them so I got it for a really good price" Karl explained, sapnap hugged him tightly.

"Go on then give us a tune" quackity said. Sapnap put the guitar in position and strummed it gently.
He had taught himself before and now he finally had a guitar to practise on as well as his singing.

He played a short song not singing as he wasn't feeling up to it.

When he was done Karl and quackity clapped quietly. Rubbing his shoulder and giving him complements.

"You did so well sappy we are so proud of you" Karl said. "That was amazing baby" quackity whispered to him.
Sapnap smiled at their kindness.

"Ok quackity I have something for you as well" Karl said kissing quackity's hand.

"Oh Karl you shouldn't have" quackity giggled having a box put in his lap.

"Open it" sapnap chanted. Quackity unwrapped the paper having the same face as sapnap did.
"What did you get Lexi" Karl said. "Thank you" he said clutching a book to his chest.

"You're welcome my love" Karl said kissing his nose.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" he sauealed In excitement, quackity was the biggest book worm out of the three of them and had read almost everything in the house as well as others but was struggling to find new ones.

"You're welcome my love" Karl said.
"I have something for you as well baby" quackity said handing Karl a soft package.

It was a sweet looking weighted dinosaur with green scales along it.
"Aww quackity it's adorable" Karl said kissing his lips.

"Glad you like it" quackity said.

"Oh quackity I love it" Karl squealed. Both boys hearts melting at the sweet sound.

Quackity hugged Karl tightly after. Sapnap tried to sit up and join them but physically couldn't and it hurt to try.

He let out a small yelp. Putting a hand on his back.

"Hey sappy you ok?" Karl said. Sapnap shook his head gesturing to his bandages or more specifically what's under them.

"Oh ok love how about you lye on your stomach for a bit ok" Karl suggested. "It will take Pressure off your back" he added helping him role over.

"Sorry ruined the moment didn't I?" Sapnap mumbled. "No you didn't baby" quackity said crouching beside the bed.

"I did I'm sorry I made this Christmas really shit" sapnap groaned. "No you didn't sweetheart I'm sorry you feel that way but it's not true" Karl said noticing how the bed sheets went slightly damp with tears.

"Oh baby stop, it's not worth crying over" Karl cooed sweetly. Sapnap let out a cry. "Mi amor it's ok hey hey hey don't cry" quackity said.

"It hurts" sapnap whimpered. "I know I know" quackity cooed.

There was a knock on the door and that female doctor came in. "Hey I heard some crying and wanted to check everythings ok" she said.

"Not really" quackity said gesturing to sapnap. She frowned coming over. "Hey sapnap what's wrong" she said.
"My back hurts" he sobbed into the bed sheets.

"I'm sorry about that, has a doctor given you ice packs or anything to put on it" she asked.

"Nope" quackity said rubbing sapnaps back.
"Ok I'll get one for you" she said leaving for a second before coming back into the room.

"Here this should help" she said placing it on his back. "Thank you" sapnap whimpered.

"No problem call me if anything else happens alright merry Christmas" she said.

"Merry Christmas" they all said except sapnap.

"Do you want to take a nap sweetheart?" Karl cooed.
Sapnap nodded his head. "Ok my love you get all cosy alright, do you want another blanket or anything" quackity said tucking him in.
Sapnap shook his head again.

"Ok sleep well" quackity said kissing his hair. Staying rubbing his back until he was sure he was asleep.
"My sweet baby" quackity said, Karl smiled sadly then gestured his head over to him patting his lap.
quackity eagerly climbed onto his lap. "Hmmm" he hummed into his neck.

"I miss when everything was ok we just got to hang out without anything to worry about I mean we only got one day to just be happy" quackity whispered.

"I know my love but when we get out of here and saps fully recovered well make this up for ourselves, even when he is recovering we can talk and cuddle or watch movies it will be great" Karl said running his hands up his waist.

Quackity put his head in Karls shoulder. "I'm sorry love we really wanted you back at home, safe and well but this had to happen" Karl said,

"I know but it's ok I want sapnap to be better and I'm glad he's getting proper treatment" quackity said.

Karl nodded in agreement his head in Quackity's shoulder. "Hey Karl?" Quackity called. "Mhm" Karl answered. "Would you dance with me" I asked.

"What?" Karl whispered. "I loved doing it with him on Christmas but I haven't done it in a while sorry it's stupid nevermind" quackity said.

"I don't think it's stupid, but we will have to be quiet not wake sapnap" Karl said taking quackity's hand.
Quackity wrapped his arms around his neck and Karl's arms went to quackity's waist as they swayed side to side sharing occasional kisses.

"Merry Christmas my love" Karl said kissing quackity's forehead

Sorry about the lack of uploads my mental health is really shit right now and I haven't been on my phone.

Anyways going to try be consistent from now on.


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