just a dream

48 2 0

Tw guns, blood, shooting, flashbacks, nightmare

Sapnap pov

"I'm gonna kill you quackity" a love voice muttered.

"No please don't" I said bursting into the room a man was standing there blood on his hands. Quackitys blood.

Quackity was on the floor bleeding and sobbing. I ran over to him trying to see what was wrong but he just kept crying.

"quackity what's going on who is this man" I asked he pointed behind my back his eyes wide and terrified.

"Think you're getting away that easily" the man said I noticed the gun in his hand.

"No!" I shouted as he pointed the gun at us. "Yes" he said as he pulled the trigger. Quackity went limp in my grasp bleeding out but he was cold and lifeless.

"NO!" I screamed shaking him but nothing could be done. I was screaming and crying holding on to him tightly.

I felt a hard metal object being pushed into my back and then the sound of a shot. I screamed out of pain. Lying on the floor.

I then heard the familiar voice of my other boyfriend.


Karl was yelling why?

No one's pov

"Sapnap wake up!" Karl said shaking him awake.

He sat up suddenly shaking violently his breathing unsteady and fast paced.

"Oh my god oh my god!" Sapnap said panicking.

"It's ok it's me Karl sh sh it's ok" Karl comforted putting sapnap in his lap kissing his forehead.

"He- s-shot- shot- fuck" sapnap sobbed harder.

"I know it wasn't real ok you're safe" Karl cooed.

"He hurt quackity, h-hes- .. dead" sapnap shouted completely freaked out screaming at the top of his lungs, it was so real to him.

"Babe he's fine it was just a dream" Karl cooed.

"No! Where is he, did I miss the funeral" he cried.

"No babe relax quackitys downstairs getting some water he's perfectly ok" Karl said as sapnap dug his nails into his back hard enough to draw blood.

The duo heard running footsteps then the door burst opened. quackity was standing there looking concerned.

"Sapnap he's there look he's ok" Karl said. "What happened?" Quackity asked.

"He had a nightmare" Karl said revealing the sobbing mess that was sapnap.

"Oh mi amor c'mere" quackity said sitting on the bed and opening his arms.

"Sh sh sh it's ok can you tell me what it was about" quackity asked.

"Oh my quackity you're ok" sapnap sobbed hugging him tightly.

"Of course I am babe why wouldn't I be" quackity said a hand in sapnaps long hair.

"You- you died, he s-shot you you were bleeding" sapnap sobbed.

"No I wasn't you saved me remember it was just a dream" quackity said comfortinglly.

"It wasn't a dream" sapnap said breaking away from quackity sitting on the floor.

"This isn't real" he muttered, "quackity died Karl probably did too I'm just imagining them" he thought outloud quietly through head renching sobs. "Shut up shut up shut up" he muttered to him.

Quackity and Karl looked at each other.

"What's going on" Karl muttered afraid.

"I think he had a really vivid dream and hasn't remembered what actually happened" quackity said.

"What do we do?" Karl asked close tears.

"I'm not completely sure but I have a few methods" quackity said crouching in front of sapnap.

"Hey baby look at me" quackity said. Sapnap didn't but quackity understood.

"Can you look at you're hand lovely" quackity asked sapnap did so.

"How many fingers do you have?" he asked. Sapnap and Karl were confused but sapnap answered. "Five" he said.

"Can you count them for me?" Quackity asked.

"1,2,3,4,5" he said.

"Well done you wouldnt be able to do that if you were asleep or imagining something" quackity said bringing his chin up to meet him.

"What?" Sapnap asked confused. "Baby I am real I promise you I'm real I'm ok you're not dreaming or imagining me ok can we talk about the dream you just had" quackity said.

"It wasn't a dream" sapnap said. quackity sighed.

"Ok what do you think just happened?" quackity asked.

"I was with you in that bedroom and he said he was going to kill you and he did you were bleeding a cold and he shot me as well but- you're ok so is Karl what happened?" Sapnap said sniffling.

"Baby you jumped in front of me remember" quackity sapnap nodded looking shocked as he remembered.

"Yes? That's it take your time" quackity said.

"It's was a dream" sapnap cried. "Yes it was were all safe now ok just take a few deep breaths" quackity said.

"It was terrible I don't want to dream about it again i-i -what if it happens again" sapnap sobbed panicking a lot.

"Hey sweetie sh sh sh it's ok it won't ok we're here you'll be ok" he cooed sapnap wrapped his arms around him bringing him to the bed.

Karl handed him the stuffy he got for Christmas and put a blanket around his shoulders.

"There you go that's it just relax ok" Karl said. "It was all a dream" Karl said.

"Sap if that ever happens again and you don't know if you're dreaming or not count your fingers" quackity said.

"Thank you" sapnap said. "Of course how about we try fall asleep again" quackity suggested. Sapnap shook his head no.

"Ok are you sure it's 3am?" Quackity asked. Sapnap nodded.

"Can you turn on a light please?" Sapnap asked quietly Karl turned on the lamp beside his bed.

"That better" he asked sapnap nodded. Sapnap sighed putting his head in his hands.

"I dont want to feel like this I wish known of this ever happened" sapnap said.

"I know you don't but what you're feeling is normal the doctor said you'd feel upset or angry at times" Karl said.

Sapnap nodded putting his head on Karl's shoulder who put an arm around him

"Do you want breakfast or anything now that we are awake" quackity asked.

Sapnap shook his head biting his lip as tears filled his eyes.

"Oh no no no hey it's ok we don't have to eat if you don't want to" quackity said Karl turning his head to look at him.

"Hey shh it's ok" Karl said massaging his shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled into his hands. "No don't apologise" Karl said.

"It's ok don't cry" quackity said.

"How about we watch a movie" quackity suggested. Sapnap nodded.

The trio got comfy in bed Karl's arms still around sapnap.

Quackity put on some Disney™ movie climbing back in bed with his partners.

They watched the movie making sure to give sapnap lots of cuddles and kisses.

Words 1113

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