he's gone

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"I woke up and he was just gone" Karl told sapnap. "I've looked everywhere some of his clothes are gone as well" Karl said.

The police were already on their way to their house.

"Ok I believe you alright" sapnap said sitting Karl down before he had another panic attack.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry he just disappeared" he  whispered.

"I know I know it's not your fault ok" sapnap said. There was a knock on the door and the police came in.

Sapnap and Karl explained everything to them about what was going on and about quackity's sudden disappearance.

The police seemed to know who the man was and said they'd been looking for him after he escaped from jail.

They filed a report and the police left to go look for them.

Karl was a complete wreck after that barely speaking not even crying beyond tears at this point.

They were worried sick all day trying to figure out where he could be. They weren't even entirely sure if quackity willingly gave himself up or if he was kidnapped.


Sapnap was downstairs watching the news just incase anything happened he will literally take anything his phone and Karl's phone were beside him waiting for a call.

Karl had gone to bed a while ago. He said he didn't feel great as he had spent the whole day worrying and had had three panic attacks already so sapnap understood.

The news wasn't showing anything interesting. Some politician who has just been divorced, some actresses died, road works blocking traffic, all the things that made sapnap think do people really care about this.

He decided it was pointless and went up to bed. He noticed Karl wasn't in bed as he had expected and decided to check the bathroom, finding his lover on his knees dry heaving in front of the toilet bowl clutching his stomach.

"Oh Karl" he said sitting beside him. Karl took his head out and sapnap flushed the toilet for him.

"You not doing well at all are you?" Sapnap asked him,  twirling his hair out of his face. Karl shook his head putting his elbows on the rim of the toilet putting his head into his hands.

"I'm sorry baby let me go get you a blanket alright and we can stay in here for a bit ok" sapnap asked. Karl nodded.

Sapnap getting a soft blanket aka quackity's favourite.

He put it over his shoulders. Rubbing his back gently.

It smelled like quackity.

Karl whimpered burying his face into it. "No don't cry Karl it's ok we'll find him"

"What if we don't" Karl sobbed.

"We will I promise" Sapnap said as Karl threw up again. Sapnap sighed putting an arm around him kissing his head.

Karl sat on his lap straddling his waist as sapnap rubbed his back. The blanket was still drawn around Karl's shoulders.

"Let me know when you are ready to leave ok take your time" sapnap said rubbing his back.

"I-i-m ready now" he cried. "Ok you sure?" Sapnap asked him.

"Mhm" Karl mumbled. Sapnap wrapped him in the blanket picking him up in bridal style. He placed him in bed holding him by the waist.

Karl was crying again now covering his mouth with his hand. Sapnap was looking at him sympathetically,

"Sweetheart it's ok we'll find him I'm sure he's safe don't cry" he whispered.

"The bed's so empty without him, it's cold" he sobbed. "I know I know but crying won't do anything but stress you more ok I know it's hard but I'm here and we'll never ever let anything happen to him alright" sapnap soothed.

Karl nodded his head putting his head in his shoulder whimpering.

"My baby" sapnap said rubbing his back.

"I'm so fucking worried" he cried.

"I know I know" sapnap said rubbing his back. "Sh sh sh" he said.

Karl groaned, sapnap still rubbing his back.

Karl eventually fell asleep exhausted from the day.


Quackitys eyes opened he was in the back of the black van. He was being thrown against the walls as the van moved.

It made him feel ill trying to curl up in the corner. Not quite remembering who was driving the van yet.

He passed out again as he was so exhausted.

Words 720

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