coming home

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When it was time to leave the next day sapnap was asleep.

"Hey sweetheart you get to leave now" Karl whispered. He saw sapnap smile before opening his eyes. Sapnap sat up a bit holding out his arms Karl accepted them holding him close.

"Do you want to change" Karl asked. Sapnap nodded sitting up more. Quackity came over with the pile of clothes.

"Can I do this sap?" Quackity asked gesturing to his clothes. Sapnap nodded. Quackity changed him being extra careful to not hurt him. Karl helped him as well making sure it didn't hurt sapnap in anyway

"There you are" quackity said kissing his forehead.
The doctors came in to talk to quackity and Karl,  told them what they should do when they should come back and also talked to them about some therapy options for them.

The thanked the doctor and sapnap was wheeled down the hall by Karl who checked up on his every five seconds, Karl helped him stand up and supported him into the backseat quackity got in beside him.
"Babe you alright" quackity asked sapnap nodded. "That's good do you need anything" quackity asked him.

"Cold" he muttered. Quackity reached into the boot/trunk getting a soft blanket out tossing it over him tucking him in tucking sapnap in kissing his cheek.

"That better" quackity asked. "Mhm" sapnap smiled quackity smiled back resting his head on his shoulder. "You excited to get home?" Karl asked.

"Yes!" Sapnap said excitedly. "Aw take it easy though ok"  Karl said. Sapnap nodded resting his head on-top of Quackity's.

"Tell me if you get any pain alright" quackity said.

Karl drove them home pulling up outside there house.

Karl ran to sapnaps door holding his hands helping him out sapnap slowly got to his feet stumbling a bit "you're good Ive got you" Karl said. Standing with sapnap for a bit to help him regain his balance.

They slowly walked to the front door Karl and quackity's hands on his back supporting him through the house.

They reached the stairs Karl walking backwards guiding him up quackity- holding his waist making sure he doesn't fall back.

It took almost 10 minutes having to take long breaks in between steps but he eventually made it up.

Sapnap took small steps, shuffling his feet along, Karl's hand on his back as they walked toward the bed. Quackity who was already sitting there helped him sit down. Quackity lifted him slightly into a lying down position kissing his forehead.

Karl smiled tucking him in more.

Sapnap was already out of breath sweat on his face, panting. He curled up on the bed looking exhausted and in pain.

Karl and quackity smiled empathetically at him kissing his forehead. "You ok do you need anything" Karl asked him sapnap shook his head.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry" Karl said smothering his face in kisses.

"Do you wanna take a nap sweetheart you've had a long day" quackity asked him. "Yes please" sapnap mumbled his eyes already closing the other two aweing, he was truely adorable to them.

"Ok call us if you need us ok your phone is there'' Karl said walking out the room.

"How about we go have a chat ok" Karl said looking at quackity as they closed the door leaving a small crack.

"Em oh ok" quackity said. They walked to the sitting room and sat on opposite ends of the couch.
Words 577 luv you guys!!!

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