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Tw rape mentions,

"hello we are here to see nick sapnap do you know where he is" Karl said quackity on his hip.

"He's in emergency surgery right now but if you and quackity would like to follow me through here, the paramedics told me what happened and we just want to get you checked out while we wait" she said sweetly.

The two nodded following her into a room.

There were two male doctors in the room. They got up and walked to him trying to console him but he squirmed away getting  uncomfortable.

"Em I'm sorry is it ok if I could see a female doctor i-i j-ust, i-its fine forget it-" he spoke breaking down, with everything that happened he would be way more comfortable with a woman touching him.

"No that's completely understandable I promise you don't need to worry I'll go see if there's one available" one of the doctors said as they walked into the room.

Karl set him down on the bed type thing they had in there.
Quackity looked scared he had tears in his eyes and his lip was trembling.

"Hey sweetheart it's ok sapnap going to be ok, you're going to be ok, everything is going to be fine" Karl said.

"T-thank you" he mumbled as two female doctors walked in.

"Hey quackity we are going to be doing your tests today is that ok" one asked she seemed really kind.

He nodded still holding Karl's hand. "Can he stay" quackity said motioning to Karl. "Yes he should be able to" the other one said smiling sweetly.

"Youre very malnutrited Alex when was the last time you ate something" the doctor asked examining him.

"Since before he took me so like 4 days ago" quackity said.

"Ok Suzie can you go get him something to eat and drink" she said to the other doctor who left soon after.

"Ok Alex would you mind showing me where he hurt you" she asked.

Quackity curled up tighter as a hand ran up and down his back.

"It's ok I'm not going to hurt you, its alright" she said.

Quackity gestured to his stomach and legs. "Ok let me know if anything hurts" she said.

They treated his cuts bandaging them up. They were so nice to him the whole time smiling and comforting him. It was the best he felt in a while despite the slight pain every now and again.

Until it was over and all the feeling came rushing back to him.

"If not already we'd like to talk to you about some therapy options" one said. "Oh yeah we've tried a place and it was working but an incident with a staff member kind of just turned us off" Karl said rubbing quackity's back.

"Well we do offer some in this hospital with trained staff and professionals I think it would be really good for the three of you" she said.

"We'll look into it" Karl said.

"Ok and one more thing before we let you go we just want to remind you to take it easy with yourselves this stuff isn't easy just remember to take your time and look after yourselves" she said.

"Thank we will" Karl said picking up quackity. They went out to reception and he was still in surgery but they could wait in the room they left for him.

The went up seeing a twin sized bed for visitors and an empty spot presumably where they were going to wheel sapnaps bed in.

"Do you want to sleep by yourself hun or do you want cuddles or what do you want" Karl asked.

"Cuddles" quackity mumbled. Karl gently sat him on the bed sitting beside him rubbing his back before the two eventually collapsed onto the bed Karl spooning quackity their legs tangled, Karl's arms around his slim waist rubbing his sides.

"Hmm" quackity hummed in content. Karl smiled at the noise kissing the back of his head. Quackity turned around to face him smiling.

Quackity soon fell asleep Karl rubbing his sides gently relaxing him a much better alternative then the few days he spent in his ex husbands house.

Karl admired his lover's face feeling so sorry for him after having to deal with all that, now this, he also just really wanted to get home have sapnap be ok again, have quackity home and safe without the threat of being stalked.

He just wanted it to go back to the way it was.

Words 760

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