torture, pure torture

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Quackity pov

I awoke again being thrown on a bed. The familiar  grey sheets stained with my own blood and the creaking boards below it.

I felt a hard smack then a punch to my face. It stung but wasn't totally unexpected,

"Fuck you're awake I was hoping to get more out of you" he said "I knew you'd come crawling back to me Alex quackity you were probably sick and tired of them, you desperate for sex fucking slut" he spat.

"You know full well I only ran away to protect them I love them and I hate you!" I shouted.

He shushed me harshly. "I'm sorry, whore, did I say you could talk to me like that. You're going to regret that" he said.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean that" I said retreating to the end of the bed.

"Oh but I think you did maybe you need a little taste you know just so you appreciate everything I do for you" he said pinning me down, licking his lips.

"No!" I cried. "Yes" he said pulling my clothes off. "Give me head now, slut!" He yelled pulling my face down. I had no other choice.

He did a lot with me stuff I would never even think about doing. It hurt a lot. He put my body in positions it has never even thought of doing before.

I was alone in the bedroom right now whimpering quietly hoping he wouldnt here.
I want sapnaps arms around me as Karl says sweet words to me. He wrapped my own arms around myself and tried to tell myself it's ok but it just wasn't the same.

I was scared for later he's probably drinking now he always does. Obviously he couldn't go out to drink but I could hear breaking glass from downstairs.

He's going to be really pissed. But maybe I deserve it. I had no idea where my phone is nor do I have the energy to find it.

I wondered what Karl and sapnap are doing now. Have they noticed, did they just go back to their previous life.

I thought about Karl and hid anxiety attack, I wondered if he had had more since after realising I was gone ,I felt bad but I know it was the right thing to do.

I couldn't stay there after realising the danger I put them in and how much it was affecting them.

I curled up more my head and thighs hurt like hell.

I didn't notice I'd started sobbing loudly almost screaming. I was cut off from my trail of thought by the door slamming open. He came in, I could the beer off of him he'd already been drinking.

"You trying to get me in trouble slut" he said hitting me stamping on my face continuing to best me he took a knife starting to cut my arms.

"Still cutting fucking pathetic" he shouted continuing. ",if you scream I will kill you' he said I bit down hard on my lip to stop myself.

It eventually stopped. "I'm going to get something from the van you better be here when I get back or else" he said motioning to a gun in his pocket.

I gasped, "oh yeah that's right" he said turning slamming the door behind him. I jumped then broke down sobbing. I was terrified.

"He's going to kill me" I cried

Sapnap pov

I woke up to the sound of crying Karl was sobbing into my arms holding onto me tightly I couldnt even imagine what he was feeling right now. I never really got emotional I only cried when something was really up. Of course I still felt awful quackity was gone and no one knew where he was. It was just something about me I guess.

"Sappy you awake?" He cried. "Yes I am baby, you ok" I say rubbing his back.

"No" he sobbed. "You're ok you're ok" I soothed sitting up pulling him into my lap.

"I'm so scared I know you said I shouldn't be but I can't help it" he cried, it pulled at my heart strings.

"Baby you can be scared it's ok. I just don't like seeing you so upset babe" I explain.

"I love you guys so fucking much" I mumble he nodded in agreement, "I would literally take a bullet for him if I had to" I said and I meant it I really would for either of my partners.

"Do you mean that sap" he asked me. "Yes I'm not going to watch and see either of you get hurt and I'm going to find him before he can hurt him" I say getting slightly angry at the situation especially at the man who had our boyfriend held hostage.

"Baby relax your heart is beating really fast" he said running his hands up my back.

I put my head in his shoulder letting some tears fall as I let out a whimper.

"It's alright baby you can cry it's ok it's just me" Karl said running his hands through my  hair.

He slowly comforted me through his own tears a sad but slightly happy moment in a way to share with my partner.

The moment was broken with the sound of a phone ringing.

Love you guys


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