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Tw stalking, mentions of sh, mentions of abuse.

The weeks that followed that day were full of stress and worry in it's worse form.

Sapnap had taken up the habit of closing all the blinds making sure neither of his boyfriends were visible at any time, looking out the window from time to time.

Karl was trying to pretend he wasn't as nervous as he was. He was possibly even more worried than quackity. The trio had tried to talk about it and what their feeling wanting to always be on the same page, Karl never really engaged nor tell the truth when he did saying he was fine.

The other two finally found out the truth as one evening they went upstairs after hearing cries and saw him having a panic attack. Like a serious one, he was shaking violently basically getting no air in at all and sobbing.

Sapnap immediately crouched down trying to help him but they kinda did just have to wait it out as nothing was working.

Quackity could barely stand to see the look on his partners face. He'd been bottling up his emotions because he didn't want to scare quackity.

Sapnap had been making sure Karl talked about his feeling whenever he needed to quackity also always being there.

Quackity had taken a more silent part of worrying he would lock himself in his own room.

He would have the occasional meltdown and completely trash the room but it made him feel awful as that is what 'he' did.

Quackity only left his room after one of those happened going to go seek comfort.

They had slowly started to run out of food and sapnap took it upon himself to go.

"Sap please, please don't go" Karl said through tears.

"I'm sorry baby but you know have to we need food" sapnap replied. Karl let out a whimper hugging him tightly.

Quackity was standing a little ways away looking down. "Q I promise we'll be fine no one is going to wait outside our house for almost a month" sapnap said kissing quackity gently Karl still attached by the waist.

"I promise I'll be ok" sapnap said as Karl let go of him, sapnap walked out the door locking it behind him.

Sapnap didn't see anyone outside jumping straight into his car.

Karl watched from a small crack in the curtain to make sure he got there.

"He's good" he announced to quackity who sadly nodded his head, burying his face into his chest.

Quackitys phone dinged and the two looked at it nervously. "I'll look at it alright." Karl said kissing his forehead.

'You replaced me with this??!'

It read with a not so flattering picture of sapnap walking to his car.

Karl sighed his eyes glossing over.

"What is it Karl" quackity asked. "Nothing baby don't worry" Karl said.

"No please let me see" quackity said.

"Quackity you don't want to-" Karl tried to argue. "Karl show me"

"Alex please, you-"

"KARL JACOBS!" He shouted. Karl face immediately went pale and his eyes screwed up ready to cry.

"I'm sorry Karl I really am I shouldn't have done that" quackity said.

"It's alright I-i-m ok" Karl said.

"I'm so sorry" quackity said he hated shouting.

"It's alright hey I promise it's ok I understand" Karl sniffled.

"It's hard right now I know" Karl said.

Karl showed quackitys the phone. Quackitys face fell.

"He's still here" he said quietly. "Looks like it I'm sorry" Karl said hugging him gently. "He's alright though he didn't say anything to him that's good or touch him" Karl said.

"We don't know that" quackity whimpered.

"We do though I watched him get into his car" Karl said soothingly.

"Can we call the police" quackity asked.

"Let's wait until sap gets home he'll get really worried if he arrives and we're not there he should be back soon enough though" Karl replied.

"How about we take a nap" Karl asked him. He nodded his head letting himself be taken away upstairs.

Quackity flopped down on the bed Karl beside him immediately holding onto him.

"I love you quackity" Karl said. Quackity never said it back but that was ok Karl understood.

Quackity didn't sleep instead thought hard.

'if he just left nothing bad will happen to them ' he thought, he wanted to do this since Karl's panic attack not being able to stand him bring so scared.

He knew if he caught him it would be bad, bad news. But he loved Karl and sapnap too much he couldn't see them get hurt. Hes not just going to wait outside maybe getting occasional glimpses.

He wants something else he wants him, quackity.

He needed to do this he had to, he had to leave.

Karl and sapnap could finally have a nice life without worry and without having to look after him a deal with his problems.

He slowly moved out of Karl's grip, grabbing a backpack from the corner and placing some clothes, some food and some other basic essentials inside if it, as well as his razor.

He creeped downstairs unlocking the triple locked door heading outside.

He covered his face fast walking down the side walk.

He soon noticed a black van following him. He  started sprinting away he knew who it was. He sprinted down an ally way thinking he lost it but the van pulled Infront of him blocking him In.

"Please, please, please" is all he could think until he saw a familiar face step out. He let out a scream covering his face as he felt something collide with his head and he passed out.


On a roll with updates right now WHOOO

Words 950

Also happy St Stevens day

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