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Sapnap took Karl away up to there bedroom. "Darling what's going on my love are you ok" Karl said sitting sapnap down on the bed Infront of him taking his hands.

"Em i-i have a confession" he said not being able to look in his eyes incase he rejects him "ok can you explain more" Karl said concerned as sapnap never cries unless something is really wrong.

"It's difficult" sapnap said "and I'm listening" Karl said brushing a loose strand of hair out of his partners eyes.

"You know the term polyamorous?" Sapnap said more tears starting in his eye

"Yes of course" Karl said confused wondering where sapnap was going with this.

"I think em that might be me and I know this sounds really bad and I shouldn't even be thinking about this but after I talked to quackity about it, it all makes sense. I like quackity aswell and he likes both of us, I know this is probably going to ruin everything we've worked on and that we've been through and I'm sorry you can leave me and-" sapnap ranted but was broken off by Karl's lips smashing into his which he kissed back, taken aback he thought for sure Karl would just get up and leave.

"Sapnap honestly when we were in the bathroom together I definitely didn't tell you everything I didn't pull away immediately because it felt right I like quackity aswell" Karl said sapnap breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're not mad" sapnap said playing with his fingers.

"Of course I'm not" Karl said smiling widely so happy he didn't have to hide this anymore.

"So what now" sapnap asked also smiling.

"We have another boyfriend, if quackity agrees" Karl giggled.

"He will I know it" sapnap laughed jumping up and down with his partner in his arms.

"C'mon let's go tell quackity" Karl said running down the stairs dragging sapnap with him.

"Quackity- hi- em" Karl said giggling sapnap was in tears still but of happiness. "We would like to formally ask you to be our beloved boyfriend" Karl said putting on a serious voice.

"Are you kidding me oh my god yes a million times yes I've liked you both for so long I thought I'd screw everything up" quackity said giggling running into their arms

"Oh q of course not i think both me and sapnap were just so scared" Karl said kissing his head nuzzling his nose into the smallest hair.

The trio stayed in that hug for a while all trying to grasp the fact they were finally together after all of the confusion.

It truely felt great for them to call the other two their boyfriends and a weight had been lifted off all of their shoulders.

They sat themselves on the couch but couldn't stop touching each other, it was like this bond were they had to be touching even if it was only holding hands.

"Do you wanna talk about boundaries" sapnap asked him. "What do you mean" quackity asked there was no boundaries in the house with his ex 'husband'

"What you're comfortable with" sapnap asked Karl listening.

"We can take it in turns if you can't think of something we don't wants to rush you" Karl said.

"Please" quackity said really not being able to think of anything he wasnt entirely sure what boundaries were as in the house with his ex he just made him do stuff didn't even ask or say anything just did it.

"So I'm asexual so we don't like do any of that stuff like ever I'd be ok if you two wanted to but I just never want to be involved" Karl said coming out to quackity for the first time.
"I didn't know that Karl thanks for telling me" quackity said.

Karl smile continuing. "I'm ok with being called anything and everything else is ok but just not any of that-" he said motioning to something in the air with his hands.

"If I'm being honest I'm kinda ok with everything, I don't like being pitied" sapnap said.

"Alright that makes sense" quackity said taking a mental note of it.

"Alright do you wanna go baby take your time" Karl asked quackity.

"I-i em don't really wanna do anything like that either if I'm going completely honest I just don't think it would be good for me after- everything that happened" quackity said.
"Em I am not sure about touch or anything I'm not sure what triggers me now be gentle please" quackity said holding Karl's hands as he didn't usually talk about this kinda thing.

"Ok we can take it slow alright we won't rush you and you can always say stop alright if you start to get even slightly uncomfy say stop alright, would you like to sleep in bed with us tonight" Karl asked.

"Em can I sleep on the floor please" quackity asked. "Of course you can but you can join us in bed if you want to alright" sapnap said.

"Any pet names you don't like" Karl asked him.

"What?" Quackity asked confused. "Like names that you don't like to be called" Karl elaborated.

"Whore or slut or anything like that" quackity said shivering at the sound of the words.

"Of course not we wouldn't dream of it any you do like" Karl asked him.

"Baby" quackity said smiling at the word as it left his lips.

Karl and sapnap smiled at each other then down at the boy beside them. "Ok will take that into a count" sapnap said tickling the smiling quackity.

Quackity giggled before flopping back on the couch.

"I'm so glad this happened" quackity said.

"So are we ducky" Sapnap said resting his head on quackity's stomach Karl hugging him from the side.

"Wait!" Karl said sitting up. "Shit ok I love you guys but I've just left frozen food out for almost an hour!" He said running to the kitchen. Quackity and sapnap following howling with laughter.

Words 1007 🌿

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