something there? surely not

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"bye sweetie" sapnap said kissing Karl on the lips Karl taking it a bit further then he expected making out with him.

Sapnap pulled away red faced and shocked. Karl giggled kissing his cheek. "Jeez you'd think we never see each other" sapnap said scratching the back of his neck.

The two were standing at the door Karl was about to go shopping as they had realised they had literally no food.

"Ok I have to go now before it gets dark" Karl said kissing his cheek running out to his car. Sapnap giggled quietly turning back inside.

He had the house to himself now quackity was at his weekly therapy appointment that he had been going to fairly consistently over the past few weeks. Sapnap and Karl were extremely proud of him for it.

Sapnap sat on the couch thinking. He knew the real reason why he got so upset about quackity kissing Karl but he still brushed it off even in his own mind as the reason being that 'karls his boyfriend he should be upset'

But he really want the thing was that sapnap had always liked quackity as more then his friend even before him and Karl got together.

His feeling almost completely vanished when he moved in with Karl. But now quackity was living with him and it was almost impossible to avoid him his feelings growing again quickly.

Of course he still loved Karl tremendously more than anything else, but could he love quackity too.. surely not.

He was upset by it as he was trying so hard to keep his feeling under wraps but this just brought it all back up again.

Before he knew the tears started to fall fast down his face. He felt like the worst boyfriend ever he hated the feeling he swore to him that he'd always love him no matter what he shouldn't be thinking about Karl would never agree to a polyamorous relationship, would he?.

He had no idea how to tell Karl or even if he should he didn't know. He wanted to talk to someone, someone who would get him.


But would quackity even want to talk to him though with his situation at the moment.

Would he think he is being selfish talking about his relationship problems with him who just went through a messy divorce.

Would he think he's weird telling him he likes him. What if he didn't like him back.

His soft tears soon turned to violent sobbing not even attempting to wipe his tears. Just sobbing at the door.

He had no idea how long he was there for until he heard the door click and sapnaps breath hitched in his throat at the sound quackity's voice rang through the room.

"Hey, I'm home!" He called. Then he heard a few sniffles going to check it out.

"Hey everything ok in here" he asked turning and seeing sapnap on the couch his face wet from crying. His eyes wet, red and puffy his voice was ruff and cracking as he spoke.

"Hey" he mumbled. "How'd it go?" He asked trying to be happy. "Sap.." he said kneeling Infront of him. "Hey what's the matter hey it's just me" quackity said as sapnap sniffled again whimpering at the kindness in his voice.

"I-i em i-its hard" he cried. "Do you want me to call Karl for you" he asked.

"No" he cried. "Sap he's your boyfriend are you sure" quackity asked.

"I know that's the point" he said sobbing again. "Oh sapnap don't tell me-" he said hoping they didn't break up.

"No everything's fine it's just me I'm going to ruin it" he said. "Oh sapnap no you won't"

"I will! Karl's going to hate me" he sobbed. "Why do you think that"

Sapnap sighed.  "Promise you won't be mad" he said.

"Of course not I'm here to listen" quackity said holding him close.

"I-i em i-" he started choking on his breath.

"Sh sh sh it's ok it's ok" quackity said.

"The p-problem i-is- is that I-i think I-i like y-you quackity and Karl at the same time, it's so confusing" he said looking at him in the eyes. Quackity's eyes widened.


"I knew you'd think I am weird I shouldn't be thinking this I've just fucked everything up" he said putting his face into his hands.

"Sap it's not like that at all-"

"You've been going through so much lately and Ive just sprung this on you I feel so bad I'm so sorry" he sobbed hiccuping.

"It's ok hey it's ok I don't think you're weird and if I'm being completely honest sap. I kinda like you too and karl I just had no fucking idea how to mention any of this to you"

"What- really" sapnap holding quackity's hands.
"Yes nick, I thought it was just the divorce affecting me at first but I really like you two" quackity said.

"Oh my god I feel so bad" sapnap said thinking about karl.

"I know so do I" quackity said hugging him.

"I'll talk to him ok and then we can talk together" sapnap said quackity nodded.

"Thank you, I think it's why I kissed Karl obviously it was an accident but I don't know it felt right" quackity sighed.

Sapnap smiled sadly at him. Sapnap still silently crying into his chest

Then the door clicked open for a second time and Karl came in with shopping bags but he immediately dropped them sprinting over as he heard to sound of his boyfriends cries.

"Sweety, hey no what's wrong it's ok I'm here now I'm here" Karl said as quackity let go of him and Karl held his hands. He tried to make eye contact with him but he couldn't not after what quackity and him were just talking about.

Sapnap burst into even more tears feeling guilty. Karl smiled sympathetically at him.

"Sh sh sh it's alright darling it's ok I'm sure it is" he cooed.

"Karl I need to talk to you, .. please".....

Sorry forgot about this again.

I promise I'll start writing this more consistently.

Words 1036

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