all is well

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After a few weeks of sapnaps mental and physical recovery things started to get a lot better for the trio.

Sapnap was finally able to walk around again and his mental health got a lot better as well.
He had been practising guitar non-stop and had been getting a lot better.

He was so happy he could finally enjoy the time he had with his partners without constantly being in pain. His favourite thing was when they'd go on walks in their local park and he'd bring his guitar and play for them.

He loved being able to spoil them giving them gifts and taking them on dates, it was great.

Quackity's ex had been sentenced to 50 years in prison. The trials were incredibly tough for quackity though and he cried for a few days straight knowing he'd have to go back the next day.


"Karl I'm not going I can't see him again" he cried to him. Karl was on the couch beside sapnap. Quackity was in front of them balling his eyes out. He'd been begging Karl to not make him go back.

"Babe you have to go it'll take ages to get him sentenced otherwise" Karl said watching as quackity paced the room his hands on his head breathing heavily.

"It's ok, relax you'll be with us yeah just relax well be there with you" Karl said.

"He's just lying about everything and I keep freezing and not able to get the words out" he cried taking some deep breaths.

"I know baby and I'm sorry it's hard but think of how good it will be when he's gone for good" Karl said quackity nodded sitting on Karl's lap as Karl stroked his waist.

"You're ok relax babe relax" Karl cooed.

The next day at court went the same way as they did before

His ex lied and said he didn't harm him and he did it all to himself he was just collecting him after he asked him to and it was Karl and sapnap who did all the abuse.

Quackity nurses out crying at that moment Karl and sapnap put their arms around him as they cried.

The judge didn't believe him however and sentenced him.

Quackity was so relieved that he'd be in a higher security prison as well so he didn't have to worry about anything anymore.

The three of them had started going to therapy together to talk about what happened and it has been going very well.

The trio were currently cuddling on the couch enjoying a time with no drama or bad things happening just basking in each other's warmth.

"You know I'm really proud of you guys" Karl said suddenly. "Why?" Quackity giggled playing with Karl's hair.

"A lot has happened over the past few months but you've put up with all of it really well" he said.

"So have you Karl thank you so much" quackity said sitting up on his lap hugging him tightly.

Sapnaps hand ran through his hair the other hand on Karl's back, really close to him.

"Thank you so much I never would've been able to do it if it wasn't for you guys" sapnap said kissing there heads.

"I was so scared I was gonna die" sapnap whispered his voice cracking a bit.

"Oh sweetheart it's ok don't cry" Karl said. Sapnap shook his head.

"Happy tears" he muttered. They both smiled engolfing him in their arms.

"Can we promise something?" Quackity asked. "What's that?" Karl asked.

"No matter what happens well always stay by each other's side, this was really scary for all of us but we got through it together" quackity said.

"Of course baby" they both replied, quackity blushed loving being called that.

"Oo someone's blushing, you like that- baby" sapnap said kissing him on the lips.

"Mhm" he muttered. The other smiled widely at him finding him adorable.

"I love you guys" "I love you too" "I love you three"

"Well the more the merrier" Karl said. "Definitely"

The end


Oh my gosh I can't believe I've finished this I was so close to quitting so many times. Thank you so much for reading I appreciate it so much for all the support I've received its been incredible thank you so much. 🩷

Words 720

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