5 | why?

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Karl immediately wiped his eyes shouting back a quick "I'm a-alright" but it came out more stuttered and scared than he meant it to.

"Can I come in you don't sound ok' sapnap asked still standing at the door.

"I-i just need a moment to myself" he says.

"Ok I'll be in our room you can come talk to me whenever you feel ready alright my love"

"O-ok thank you" Karl stuttered out.

He sat down on the toilet seat as his head was becoming dizzy from all the thoughts he let out a slightly frustrated scream slamming his hand beside him.

"Babe you ok in there" sapnap called opening the door.

"Oh sweetheart" sapnap said kneeling Infront of him "heyyy it's ok don't cry" he soothed holding him tightly.

"It's not ok it's not-" he whimpered. "I'm sure its fine my love" sapnap comforted as Karl banged the floor beside him with his fists,

He just sobbed harder looking up at the ceiling and gasping. "Hey breathe karly, are you in pain anywhere can I do anything" sapnap asked but Karl didn't respond still sobbing hitting his leg repeatedly.

He felt so guilty he shouldn't have done that he was so stupid ugh why did he do that is all that went through his head as a handprint formed on his leg.

"Hun your hurting yourself how about let's take some deep breaths ok it's not ok to hurt ourselves" he said holding Karl's wrists.

"That's it baby in and out" sapnap soothed. "Sh sh shh" 

"Talk to me love what happened" sapnap asked calmly.

"I c-cant it's r-really badd" he sobbed.

"I'm sure it's fine love I promise I won't be upset" sapnap explained rubbing his shoulder.

"I can't" he wailed. "Ok ok that's completely fine alright but is there anything that I can do baby"

"No" Karl cried. "Do you want cuddles babe" sapnap asked gently stroking the back of his head gently.

"Yes please" Karl whimpered. "Ok babe" he said quietly. He picked him up placing him on the counter.  Karl straddled his waist. "Sh sh sh everythings ok" he whispered rubbing his waist up and down.

"Babe I promise I won't be mad at you could you please tell me no pressure if you can't"

Karl sighed his head deep in sapnaps nape.

"I-i-m em ok" he whimpered scared.

"Well I" he started but the door opened cutting him off.

Quackity's sad and guilty face appeared at the door.

"E-em can I speak to Karl please" he whispered playing with the rings on his fingers.

"Em yeah ok" Karl sighed looking at sapnap.

Quackity lead Karl out of the room and back into his as the two began to talk...


Sorz I haven't uploaded in a minute!!

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