2 | jealousy?

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No one's pov.

Quackity came down from his bedroom to find sapnap and Karl already there Karl was on the counter his legs straddling sapnap.

They were kissing very deeply and affectionately.

Quackity's face went bright red. 'thats really hot' he thought to himself before snapping out of it. 'their his friends'.

"Oh my gosh quackity we didn't see you we are sorry we thought you'd be in bed longer"sapnap said who's face looked like it was cosplaying a tomato by how red it was.

Karl was just silently giggling behind his hand.

"It's totally fine I understand do you need me to go are you guys uh not finished yet"

He said getting a devious look at the end smirking between the two. But secretly envy was rising inside him.

"No I think we are good unless you wanna keep going" sapnap said ticking Karl under the chin making him squirm and giggle loudly.

This act made quackity extremely jealous, he didn't really want to be in the room anymore.

"Oh I just remembered I have to uh emm edit a video" he said making a quick excuse before dashing away back to his room.

"That was kinda weird" Karl said. "Was it?" sapnap asked.

Karl gave him a smack in the ribs which sapnap whined at with a confused look.

"Yes sap it was you know I think the divorce is affecting him a lot more than we thought it was he's probably reminded of it when he saw that"

"You really think that" sapnap asked suspiciously.

"Yeah I've kinda been thinking a lot about it. I here him crying through the wall every night but when ever I ask what's wrong he just acts happy I think there's a hundred per cent somethings going on".

"Yeah I think you're right Karl what do we do" sapnap asked.

"Well we make him talk about it" Karl said

"He needs to talk about it at some point anyway, he hasn't even brought it up"

"No he hasn't really" sapnap sighed.

"I feel really bad for him it most be so hard like that guy was truely evil to him"

"I know I do too like have you seen his old house" sapnap asked him.

"No why" Karl asked looking confused.

Sapnap took at his phone that had pictures of what the house looked like it was a complete tip.

The wall paper was peeling and was moldy you could even see it growing in the picture.

There was nail marks covering the walls and the ground was littered in broken glass and that wasn't even all. It looked like a junk yard .

"He used to live there?" Karl asked his eyes watering.

"Yeah this was when we were trying to clean it aswell"

"So it was even worse that this?" Karl questioned sapnap just nodding.

"Oh Alex" Karl said his tears now pouring down his face.

"Hey hey baby don't cry ok he's not there anymore alright he's safe" sapnap said wiping Karl's tears.

"It most of been terrifying" Karl mumbled looking petrified.

"Hey honey can you look at me for a second" sapnap asked.

"I promise you not matter how hard it gets I would never ever do that to you ever ok I love you so fucking much you have full permission to run me over if ever even raise my voice at you ok" sapnap said cupping Karl's face.

Karl nodded leaning in to kiss sapnaps rosy lips.

"Cutie" he mumbled. Karl chucked going in for a second.


Hits some really good plans for this book just weight and see.

slán is breá le gach duine tú ❤️

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