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Tw mention if past trauma?

Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, sapnap hadn't left his bed for the almost three weeks he'd been there he just physically couldn't. He had been feeling a lot better since a few days ago but still wasn't 100%.

He just felt kinda mopey recently but was trying to be happy when he saw his boyfriends.

Quackity and Karl had left yesterday and hadn't come back yet, sapnap thought they'd left him,

Maybe he was too whiny and complained to much.

He didn't want to come off that way he was a completely different person then, he was under a lot of medication and was in pain a lot he just hoped his boyfriends still cared about him.

He was generally feeling a whole lot better. He was more energised and wasnt in as much pain anymore.

He had been slowly eating more and more of the meals he was given as well as the protein bars that gave him strength.

He had gotten to know most of the doctors and nurses names at this point seeing a lot at several different times around the day.

He was currently asleep something he spent a while doing because he hadn't really had people to talk to in a while.

Karl came in just as he woke up from his nap. "Hey baby how are you doing" Karl asked hanging up his large winter coat fixing a piece of tinsel on the headboard on sapnaps bed.

"Could be better but I'm feeling alright where's quackity?" Sapnap asked. ,

"Quackitys downstairs talking to someone, do you remember what happened at the therapist office' a few weeks ago?" Karl asked talking slowly so sapnap could understand.

"Mhm" sapnap whispered after a minute of thinking and trying to remember, most of the days before the 'accident' were a complete blurr.

"He's seeing a new one today to talk about his feelings" Karl said. "Ok" sapnap responded.

"I thought you left me" sapnap mumbled. "I'm sorry it's just been a bit busy lately" Karl said.

"I'm so glad you're ok sap I don't know what we would've done if you weren't ok" he said tearing up a bit.

"Honestly the day it happened I was so scared, you were just there in so much pain and I d-didnt know what to do" Karl said his eyes glossing over.

"Hey, Karly I'm ok, well mostly atleast you've been so brave and I am proud of you" sapnap said. "Thanks" Karl smiled sniffling.

"Do you need anything baby" Karl asked. "Can I have some water please" sapnap asked. "Of course" Karl said pouring him a cup letting him drink some before putting it beside the bed.

Karl sat on the mattress, close to sapnap. He held his hand rubbing his thumb against the back of it.

"My sweet baby" Karl said pecking his lips. Sapnap smiled at him turning his head to face the ceiling.

"It hurts every now and again when I move and stuff my stomach doesn't hurt as much and the room isn't spinning" he said.

Karl nodded, "how many of those bars have you eaten"

"Two or three I think they are making me feel a lot better actually" sapnap said. "That's good" Karl said kissing his head.

The door opened revealing doctor clarke with a clip board. "Hey Nick before I do anything I would like to apologise I never wanted to come off as that to you, I was just trying to be nice" he said.
"It's ok I know you didn't mean it" sapnap said.

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