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The three were currently sitting on their bed sapnaps head resting on Karl's chest who had his arms around him quackity was holding his hands rubbing his against his.

Tears were still running down sapnaps face as the experience was very scary for him.

"Sweety how are you doing" quackity said sapnap shrugged. "That's ok love is there anything wrong" quackity asked. Watching his face carefully to make sure he looked comfortable and not worried to talk to them.

"Scared 'nd, sad" he muttered looking up at him with teary eyes. Quackity's heart broke at the sight, he looked so sweet but so sad at the same time.

"That makes sense" quackity said putting a hand on his cheek. Sapnap melted into the touch.

"We're here for you love" Karl said kissing his hair.

"How about we go outside for some fresh air" Karl suggested, "that's a good idea what do you think babe" quackity asked saonap only nodded.

"You sure you don't have to it'll be cold, we can just stay up here in the warm room if you'd like" Karl said wanting to keep sapnap feeling safe.

"No I want to might as well enjoy the snow while it's here" sapnap replied.

"Alright C'mon" quackity said helping him up off of the bed carrying him downstairs. Karl and quackity put their coats and boots on as it was still snowing.

They went over to sapnap helping him put his coat on as well making sure he was wrapped up really warm. Karl put several scarves around his neck making sure his trousers were tucked into his boots to keep him warm.

Quackity picked sapnap up again bringing him to the back door.

"You're very light hun how much have you been eating" quackity said sapnap shrugged.

"Don't know like nothing" he whimpered. "Ok ok it's ok calm down Karly can you get him something to eat please" quackity said bringing sapnap outside.

He brushed the snow off and then sat him down on the chair swing they had. Sapnap was still crying a bit. Quackity rocked the chair a bit holding him tight to help relax him.

"We're not mad babe we know it's been hard for you lately, do you wanna tell me anything" quackity asked.

"It's just been so difficult and I don't have the motivation and I'm scared I'm going to be sick again i-i j-just" he said breaking down.

"Hey hey hey baby stop, don't cry" quackity cooed rubbing sapnaps shoulders.

"You're not going to be sick again ok you weren't well and you're not as dizzy anymore are you and as for motivation we can help you ok you don't need to struggle alone ok" quackity said sapnap simply nodded.

Quackity smiled sympathetically kissing his forehead.

"I've just completely lost my appetite the thought of food makes me feel really sick" he said. Quackity nodded understandingly.

"that's why we are here to help ok you can take as long as you'd like no pressure" quackity said.

Karl came out with a plate of strawberries at that moment.

"Here baby" he said sapnap taking half a bite then finishing it. Quackity and Karl smiled at him praising him.

"Well done baby so proud of you" "that's incredible baby" they said.

Sapnap smiled as quackity wrapped his arms around him

"What do you want to do babe could you try another one" quackity said passing him the plate.

Sapnap ate another one tentatively but managed it on his own.

The other two smiled again. "How do you feel my love?" Quackity asked.

"Really good" sapnap replied taking another only managing half but it was progress.

"That's amazing it's good that you're trying I know this situation is hard and eating just seems like a whole other thing right now but we are with you ok, you're safe here" Karl said.

Sapnap nodded receiving a peck on the lips.

"I have an idea how about, we build a snowman" Karl suggested quietly.

"Oh my god that's a great idea" quackity replied. "What do you think sappy" Karl asked Sapnap nodding eagerly.

"Ok I'll get you a chair" Karl said going back inside to the kitchen taking one of the dining chairs setting down in the snow and ice covered grass.

Karl helped sapnap up and into the seat.

The three started to work on the snowman. Having fun laughing and playing in the snow. Sapnap laughed and smiled as his boyfriends chased each other around the garden with snow balls in there hands.

They finished the snowman putting a scarf and hat on it along with buttons for the nose and mouth.

Quackity took a quick selfie of the three with their snowman. Sapnap shivered a bit. Karl putting his hands on his shoulders.

"C'mon love let's get you back inside before you freeze to death" Karl said picking him up, quackity followed quickly.

Karl took off his coat then sapnaps then quackity's kissing each of them on the forehead while doing it.

"Guys C'mon its getting late let's have a shower and go to bed" Karl said. The three went upstairs and into the bathroom. The three took a shower together quackity supporting sapnap the whole time as Karl washed them off.

Karl got out first and dried off before helping sapnap hobble towards him.

Karl dried him off helping him into some pyjamas, quackity doing the same for himself.

They got into bed snuggling up together until they fell asleep.

Unfortunately their sleep didnt go as well as they'd hoped...

Words 930

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