I remember

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Do you want to talk about what he did to you" Karl said holding his hands. "You can talk about anything you want either, I'll listen"

"I-i" quackity stuttered putting his face in his hands. "You don't have to q but you said you'd be more comfortable at home talking about him so you can say whatever you'd like" Karl said

"I-its annoying I w-was finally making really good progress with my therapy and stuff and it's sent me back to square one, it was the exact same as last time just he has more to punish me for, he'd been threatening me with the gun for a while I n-never thought i-it would be sapnap that had to take it" he spoke quietly really trying not to cry.

"Oh baby" Karl said hugging him.

"We were honestly so worried about you, sapnap literally said he'd take a bullet for you if he had to during it" Karl said "I never thought there'd be a chance were he had to actually do it" karl said.

"I still feel really bad about it he shouldn't have done it" quackity said wiping his eyes.

"Quackity neither of you should've been in that situation" Karl said. "It all just happened" Karl said shaking his shoulders at the memory.

Quackity sighed leaning into Karl's chest. "It's been so hard lately" he mumbled.

"I know, I know" Karl cooed moving his hands up and down Q's hair,

"He em he would do something where he wouldn't speak to me and would slap me so hard if I tried to talk i-i think it was so I couldn't say no and he did all kinds of things to me, I was so scared he would kill me" quackity cried.

"You know we'd never do that to you you're safe here, we'll always let you talk no matter what it's about and you'd never be in the situation alright" Karl said cupping quackity's face.

Quackity leaned in a bit and connected their lips together, it was the best feeling for quackity almost relief with everything going on right now it was great to share a loving kiss with one of his boyfriends.

"You're so sweet" Karl said breaking apart pushing quackity's hair behind his ear before attacking his lips again.

It went on for around another minute before quackity pulled away not able to breathe properly. "Stop please" quackity said but then regretted it as he assumed he'd receive a slap, flinching. But nothing came instead he was wrapped in gentle arms.

The hands attached slowly moved up and down his back as a light kiss was pressed on his forehead.

"Of course babe" he heard being whispered to him. Quackity smiled into his chest snuggling his nose deeply in the warm embrace.

"I love you" quackity whispered softly. "I love you too so much" Karl whispered.

"Baby you might not want to talk about this but when you got out of the shower the other day, I know you don't shave your arms lovely" Karl said quackity immediately bursting into tears.

"I'm so sorry" quackity cried. "Sh sh sh it's ok I understand" Karl said putting a hand on quackity cheek.

"Bae talk to me why did you do that to yourself" Karl asked him.
"I talked to my old therapist about it a while ago and they said it was because I was so used to be punished and it was normal for me so I have to continue to punish myself, I haven't been more then a month clean since this is the longest I've gone" quackity explained through sobs.

"Baby I'm so sorry come find me or sapnap whenever something like that happens ok we want you to be clean ok you deserve it, you've been through a lot" Karl said.

"Thank you baby" quackity replied burying his face into Karl's chest. "I'm sorry I scared you Karl" quackity said. "I shouldn't have run away like that I'm sorry"

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