it's ok

66 3 0

Tw hospital,mention of rape

Sapnap was wheeled into the room waking his two partners up.

He looked green and pale his eyes were closed and dry looking he looked sick. He had tubes in his throat for air and medicine and was attached to a blood drip.

His chest was bare and he had a bandage that went around his waist.

"He'll be asleep for a while but he should be ok surgery went well a doctor will be in to talk to him when he wakes up" the surgeon said.

"He was very lucky I must say" the doctor said "it still will be painful like he'll get lower back pains and feel achy for a while but it is normal press the red button if something happens" he said.

"Thank you so much" Karl said sitting in the chair beside sapnaps bed. Holding his hand.

Quackity came over sitting on Karl's lap both just looking at sapnap.

Karl put an arm around him putting his head on his shoulder kissing his neck.

Two days later and not much happened. Karl had tried to get quackity to talk about his feelings but quackity just didn't say anything the entire time just looked at sapnap occasionally letting tears slip down his face.

It was only on the 3rd day when something happened.

Karl felt his hand being lightly squeezed.and he looked down his boyfriends eyes were cracked slightly open barely noticeable but definitely there. He looked scared as he noticed the tubes in his mouth and down his throat.

"Oh my gosh sapnap you're awake" Karl said but he only got a sniffle in response.

"Nick?" He said, quackity also looked down at him aswell.

"What's wrong my love" quackity said calmly rubbing his cheek. A tear rolled down his face onto the blanket.

"No no no don't cry baby you're ok everything's ok" Karl said. "What's wrong love what can we do to make it better" Karl said trying not to pity him too much knowing he hates it.

" ' sad-. " he mumbled letting out a cry.

"Oh you're sad baby why are you sad" quackity said.

"Why a-am-' i h-here"sapnap said sobbing quietly.

"You did something very brave sweetheart and we are both so proud of you we'll talk to you more about it when you're in the right head space" Karl said.

"My back hurts" he mumbled shifting.

"I know it probably will for a while" Karl said with a sympathetic smile.

"What-" sapnap said his eyes widening filling with tears. His partners knew that he definitely wasn't in the right headspace as sapnap never cries.

"N-no make it stop I d-dont want t-to p-please p-please Karly, quackity please make it stop" sapnap pleaded while sobbing.

"No no hey hey don't cry we'll be with you the whole recovery ok you don't need to worry about anything baby" quackity said shushing him.

The doctor walked in with a clip board.

"Hey so the surgery went really well the bullet didn't hit any vital organs and we were able to find all the bullet fragments, you were very lucky if I'm being honest, you should be back to normal in a few months, recovery will be painful though but rest will be the most important thing we should be able to take this out" he said taking the sticker off of the tube.

"Take a deep breath" the doctor said pulling it out of his stomach. It was terribly uncomfortable making him lurch forward coughing.

Karl and quackity rubbed his back.

"I'll see you in about an hour to change the bandages ok" the doctor said

"Ok thankyou" quackity said before clinging onto sapnap again. The doctor turned to go see another patient.

"Well that's good baby isn't it" Karl said sapnap shrugged.

Karl kissed his head gently brushing a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry baby I know this is going to be hard" Karl said. Sapnap sniffled as a response trying not to start crying again.

"Hey you can cry baby no one's judging you" Karl said quickly knowing what sapnap sounded like when he needed to cry. Quackity immediately hugging him tighter as sapnap sobbed heavily into quackity's shoulder.

"Sh sh sh it's alright you'll be ok my sweet" quackity kissed his cheek.

"It's ok just let out no one's judging you, it's just us here" quackity said a hand in his hair.

Quackity looked up at Karl his own tears in his eyes.

Karl smiled sadly,

Sapnap didn't stop crying for almost thirty minutes when he finally let go of quackity sitting back in bed.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled. "No it's ok you're allowed to have feelings lovely" quackity said.

"We are so incredibly proud of you lovely you've been so brave" quackity said playing with sapnap hair.

"I love you quackity" sapnap said. "I love you too baby, try sleep now" quackity said tucking sapnap in more.

Sapnap fell asleep soon after holding his boyfriends hands.

"Quackity are you alright" Karl asked him. "Mhm" quackity mumbled wiping his eyes.

"Hey" Karl cooed, "I hate seeing him like this I still feel really bad" he stated sniffling.

"About the shooting" Karl asked. "Yes" he replied.

"He doesn't deserve this Karl. it should be me, I'm dirty I cheated on you - I- i-" he tried to say but cut himself' off.

"Quackity?- quackity!" Karl said jumping into action as he realised his boyfriend was having a panic attack.

"No! No no!" He sobbed remembering awful things. "Hey sh sh sh it's ok" Karl cooed. "No get off of me" he cried.

"You're ok my love you're ok it's me Karl" he said.

Quackity sobbed gasping for breath.

"It's ok it's ok" he said. "You didn't cheat on us baby it wasn't your fault" Karl said putting quackitys head in his chest.

"Sh sh sh it's ok" Karl said feeling quackity slowly relax.

"C-can we talk when we get home I-i-m not comfortable here" he spoke. "Of course" Karl replied.

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