4 | secrets

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Quackity pov

I woke up to find myself not in the bed I fell asleep in the warm off white sheets becoming a grey blood stained blanket the was starting to fray all over.

I looked around the room it was all to familiar the peeling wall paper the cracked windows the load of locked safes that kept the substances my ex husband used.

Speaking of the devil he heard the door open with a loud crash the shook the room.

I immediately tensed up and shuddered he came down next to me smacking my face.

"I want you undressed now whore" he said opening a lock on one of the safes taking out a foul smelling cigarette lighting it.

"But please i-" I tried to protest but he cut me off.

"I don't care I'm sick of the excuses just do what you're told he said smacking me across the face.

He shoved the cigarette in my mouth without any warning kicking me until I got of the bed as he threw me to the ground I sobbed loudly the pain excruciating.

He striped my clothes off throwing me onto the bed.

"You have been very bad today quackity don't expect me to go easy on you" he shouted smacking my face before stripping himself as he approached I just screamed out.

I feel myself shoot upwards the movement making me dizzy I yelled out again not even caring if there were other people that could hear me.

I just sobbed and sobbed it all seemed too real I hated it. I could still feel his hands crawling all over my body it sent shivers down my spine.

The next thing I know is that my door shoots open and I curl in on myself but this time I see Karl worries face.

"Quackity what's going on are you ok" Karl asked me but I just sobbed out again.

"Oh quackity it's ok" Karl comforted coming over wrapping his arms around him.

"Did you have a nightmare q" Karl asked knowing the poor boys had them before.

Quackity nodded his head continuing to wail into his hands.

"Come on lye down again ok" Karl asked trying to get him more relaxed.

"Sh sh sh it's ok" Karl soothed letting quackity wail and scream into his shoulder.

Karl rubbed comforting circles into his back and whispering sweet nothings into his ears.

"Oh Lexi it's alright it's ok"

"Please don't cry I'm sure it's alright"

After a while of comforting and wailing quackity eventually calmed down a bit just softly whimpering while taking deep breaths.

"Do you want to talk about what happened" Karl asked him holding his hand to make him feel safe which quackity blushed at slightly.

"I-i W-was back *breath* in the h-house w-with h-him and he *breath* hurt me a-again" quackity said still struggling to breathe properly.

"Oh no quackity it's ok you're safe now no one's hurting you" Karl said snuggling up to him.

"Sh sh sh that's it breathe in and out" quackity Karl soothed. As quackity took some comforting breaths.

"Well done I'm so proud of you" Karl said in a loving voice.

Something about made quackity do it, he didn't know he didn't think about it was all over before he realised.

He pulled Karl in by the face kissing him deeply. Karl didn't pull away immediately but as soon as he realised what happened.

He wiped his lips looking shocked and angry with himself.

"Karl?" Quackity said with the same look on his face.

Karl clapped a hand to his face before sprinting out of the room.

'he had cheated on his boyfriend though unintentionally with their best friend'

He ran into the bathroom pacing around trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Oh my god oh my god" he said continuing to pace breathing deeply.

Until he heard q knock on the door and then his boyfriends voice.

"Karl are you ok I'm there?"




Haha cliffhanger.

Words 674


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