found him but something's wrong

92 4 3

Tw blood,guns

"sapnap look" Karl said pointing to police cars that were just pulling up outside a house. Sapnap turned in Karl and him immediately got out running over to them.

"Are you sure this is the right house officer" sap asked. "I'm sure we got a photo from a witness.

"Ok" sapnap said looking scared.

"Do you want to come in with us" one officer said as the others started breaking down the door.

Karl and sapnap nodded following them in.

They searched downstairs to see nothing but weapons and drugs.

They went upstairs and heard a quiet murmuring.

"How did the police know where I am, quackity, what did you do" we heard a harsh voice spit.

"I promise I didn't do anything please don't do this" we heard a voice plead.

"Stop lying slut" he got louder.

"Please I didn't please! Please no" he cried

"I should have finished you off it's your fault. All your fault" it repeated. There was a sound of sobbing after that.

They went into the room it was coming from.

Their lover was on the ground on his knees sobbing hysterically.

He was holding a gun up to quackity his fingers getting closer to the trigger.

Sapnap raced in past the officers without thinking and immediately jumped in front of quackity shielding him right as the trigger was pulled.

Quackity watched as his partner's face fell and screwed up in pain and let out a blood curdling scream. but still was covering his body his arms tightly wrapped around his body shielding him from harm. expecting another blow but It didn't come.

Karl was frozen in place as the officers tackled --- to the ground handcuffing him.

Quackity and sapnap were both screaming at this point. Sapnap out of pain and quackity out of sheer terror but was still trying to calm his lover down holding him as the officers fought to put the guy in handcuffs.

Quackity's hands ran up and down his lover's back gripping him he was so excited to see him again but not like this "ow ow quackity!" Sapnap sobbed, quackity was too shocked to speak.

He saw Karl rush over to the two going to sapnap first.

"Sap he's gone come on lye on your stomach ok quickly c'mon" Karl said as the officers rushed to him to care for him.

Karl then grabbed the sobbing quackity holding him tightly having one lover who's just been shot and one that has just been kidnapped and tortured to care for.

He brushed through quackity's hair while holding sapnaps hand

"Quackity are you hurt darling" Karl asked quickly, quackity shaking his head.

Quackity put his head into Karl's shoulder screaming. He was absolutely terrified.

Karl held him close to his side shushing him as they watched sapnap roll around in pain.

Sapnap could no longer think the pain was so intense by far one of the worst he'd ever felt seeing his frightened lover's faces made it hurt ten times more.

Sapnaps pain tolerance was through the roof he never cried when he got hurt he rarely even cried it was incredibly alarming to see him like this.

It was a horrifying scene. Blood was pooling on the floor of the damp and cold room. Their boyfriend was on the ground as the officers removed his shirt revealing a large puncture hole.

Quackity whimpered at the sight, Karl covering his vision, blood can sometimes trigger him.

"Sh sh sh it's ok sappy just breathe" Karl said as sapnap gasped as the cold air hit his back and his wound. They put a rag over the wound stopping the blood from flowing.

"Owww!" He screamed. Karl leaned forward stroking his back the parts that weren't covered in blood anyways.

"Karl it hurts help!" sapnap screamed through sobs. "I know I know my baby, take some breaths alright"

"Karl 'm dizzy" he slurred. Karl looked up at the officers who were doing everything they could do to stop the bleeding.

"Stay awake for me baby ok fight the tiredness just wait til the ambulance gets here ok" he said almost as if on que the ambulance arrived. Paramedics ran in the house all but one going to sapnap.

The other one went to Karl and quackity.

"Could you come with me for a second" he said to quackity. Quackity looked scared looking over to Karl who rubbed his back.

"I'm not going to hurt you I just want to treat your scars" he said he seemed kind.

"Don't want to leave him" quackity mumbled.
"I know you don't ok but it's best we let the doctors do their work ok C'mon you can bring him with you as well if you'd like" he said.

"I-i" quackity stumbled. Before sapnap let out another scream and he knew he was staying he didn't care if his cuts got infected he wanted to look after his injured boyfriend.

"I'm n-not I can't leave him" quackity said rubbing sapnaps cheek. Karl kissed sapnaps head again.

Sapnap rolled onto his back sobbing.

"I feel sick" sapnap said the doctors were rushing to get a bag ready. Sapnap immediately threw up from the pain.
"Oh lord sweetie it's ok it's all going to be alright" Karl said patting his shoulder blades as sapnap spluttered and coughed letting out a groan when he was done. Quackity just watched scared and confused.

Sapnap put his head on Karl's lap who gently rubbed his hair the paramedics getting a stretcher ready putting him onto it.

Rushing him into the ambulance outside as he wailed and screamed for his lovers. The officers offered to take the other two to the hospital and they immediately agreed getting in the back of he car.

Quackity climbed onto Karl's lap. Karl held him tightly his own tears in his eyes. Quackity sobbed into his chest.

"I feel so bad that should've been me" he sobbed. "I should be the one in that position not him" quackity cried.

"No quackity neither of you deserve that ok I promise" Karl said letting quackity cry not even trying to shush him knowing the boy was probably traumatized and needed to cry.

Karl let a few tears fall aswell he really wasn't expecting this to happen he thought he'd find quackity and take him home and they'd all be in bed cuddling right now and it would all be fine but no of course not.

"I just wanted everything to be o-ok" he sobbed. "I know I know you were incredibly brave I couldn't imagine what you had to go through my love" Karl said.

"Karl, em d-do you think h-he will b-be ok" quackity cried.

"I honestly don't know sweetheart I hope so" Karl said placing quackity's head back into his shoulder.

"You'll be ok love I promise we'll talk all you want soon I promise" Karl said running a hand through his hair.

Quackity smiled then sniffled leaning into Karl's touch.

"Im sorry I left you Karl" he said. "It's ok baby I get it I would've done the same" he said smiling at him.

"You're not mad" quackity asked. "Why would I be mad love I could never be mad at you" he spoke caressing his face with his hands.

"He'll be back in jail now where he belongs you don't need to worry anymore ok that's good isn't it" Karl said quackity nodding.

"It was exactly like last time" he sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm sorry baby" Karl said putting a hand on his head and one on his back.

"Sh sh sh" he soothed letting him cry.

Words 1284 ❤️

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