
69 4 0

Tw. R@pe, @buse, blood mentions

Witness pov.

'911 what is your emergency' I heard after a few rings.

'hi I live on ---- street and I think I just saw the escaped convict going to a white van outside my window he had blood on his hands' I said my voice was slightly shaking from shock.

'ok m'am can you tell me your house number'

'its 15 he came out of 20' I replied.

'Ok police will be there shortly, is the van still there?'

'yes he just took something out of it' I said

'alright stay on the phone with me' the responder said.

I sat on my bed I was scared. 'who is that' I looked out the window again looking in the bedroom window of number 20 I swear I saw someone standing there.

"I think I see someone in the window" I said. "Can you describe what he looks like" the responder asked.

"No the windows dirty a man possibly" I say covering my mouth. "I'm scared" I mumble.

"It's alright I promise I'll keep you safe, officers should be there in 50 minutes"

"50" I said shocked. "I know I'm sorry you're a while away from the station but we are trying our best I promise" I heard her say.

No one's pov

Karl's phone was ringing and he immediately answered it,

"What? You have an address, ok we'll be there in, what that's like an hour away ?!" Karl said eyes glossing over.

"You mean no one's going to get to him I am hour" Karl cried.

"Ok well we'll see you soon I guess" he said putting down the phone.

"Come on let's go find him" Karl said.

Sapnap stood up taking Karl hands quickly getting themselves dressed.

They ran downstairs starting the car. "C'mon sapnap drive faster" Karl cried. "I'm sorry love I'm trying" sapnap said putting hand on his thigh.


Quackity pov.

I looked out the dirty window despite my aching body and I saw a woman standing there in a window across the street, looking at the van.

I saw she was on her phone and I gained a tiny bit of hope. Maybe she was calling the police.

My thoughts were broken my something hard clashing with my head I turned seeing him standing there I looked down seeing a broken bottle.

"The fuck do you think your doing slut" he yelled pulling my hair dragging me onto the bed.

He hit me so fucking hard. I screamed and started crying.

"Please stop!" I screamed he placed his fingers on my lip to silence me.

He pulled out a bag he was carrying presumably what he retrieved from his van when he left.

He pulled out rope and tied it around me tieing my wrists behind my back he put a gag on my mouth and he started to touch me. I wasn't entirely sure what he was doing as I'd closed my eyes not wanting to remember this.

It hurt though and I tried my best not to scream.

It seemed to go on hours and hours but I'm reality it was only around 45 minutes before I felt him stop.

I looked down noticing I was bleeding and naked he seemed to be dressing himself.

I sniffled slightly as he took the gag off but kept my hands tied.

He punched me again for making noise. He didn't want me to talk.

I cowered against the wall.

He then attacked my lips with his.it felt awful unlike his boyfriends soft lips, his were ruff and he smelt awful.

I whimpered hating the feeling. I didn't want to pull away knowing it be worse.

I only felt him leave my lips when we heard sirens.


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