sick feeling

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Tw vomit, dry heaving
"hey Nick I have your dinner" a nurse said holding a tray. Sapnap lifted his head from Karl's shoulder.

"Thanks" he said.

"Hey I'm sorry what happened with doctor clarke it won't happen again" she said.

"Ye" sapnap mumbled. She set the tray on the bed leaving the room.

Sapnap tried to take a bite of whatever they gave him but dropped the fork breathing deeply.

He tried several times but the same thing kept happening.

"C'mon babe you need to eat" quackity said he was still sitting beside sapnap on the bed Karl on the other side.

Quackity rubbed circles into sapnaps back as he put his head into his hands, sighing deeply.

"I can't" sapnap said. "Yes you can lovely" Karl said,

"I don't feel good" sapnap said rubbing his stomach. His face going pale, staggering slightly.

"Should we get someone" quackity asked looking concerned at his lover.

"No he'll be ok" Karl said holding the trash can incase he needed it.

Sapnap took some deep breaths. "You're ok you're ok" Karl said as sapnap groaned, spluttering Karl putting the trashcan Infront of him.

Sapnap threw up spit painfully before putting his head into Karls shoulder groaning.

"You're alright my love it will be over soon and you'll feel all better" Karl said. Sapnap whimpered turning his head burying his face into Karl's shoulder and the other two heard small cries coming from there.

Quackity put the bin on the ground hugging sapnap tightly.

"Ow ow let go please" he sobbed quackity immediately getting off of him. Karl helped him lye down to get more comfortable.

They put the tray of the uneaten food, on the ground. Karl stepping off the bed giving him space.

"Will I get a doctor now" quackity asked.

"Sappy do you need a doctor" Karl asked him.

"Ughh I don't know" he whined. "He'll be ok if it gets worse then yes" Karl said brushing the hair out of his face.

"The doctor said he'd get pain like this" Karl said.

"I hate it, this sucks!" Sapnap said louder then his normal soft tone hitting the bed sheets.  "Hey hey hey relax you're alright" quackity said.

Sapnap groaned he felt sick, sore, fidgety, tired and restless all at the same time which turned to anger.

"I don't want to be here!" He spoke again.

"It's alright listen to me bae listen to me" quackity cooed.

Quackity took his hands crouching beside he bed. Karl bent down next to him.

"Don't pity him to much he'll get more upset" he whispered to him. Quackity nodded.

"I know you're tired love this is really difficult for you right now and we understand that baby. Just know we are so proud of you and are here beside you ok the whole way. Let's try to get the best out of this situation ok" quackity said kissing his forehead.

Sapnap closed his eyes humming in content.

"I love you quackity" sapnap sniffled. "I love you too baby" he said

"Ah" sapnap winced. "It hurts" he said starting to cry again.

"I know baby" quackity said. "I'm sorry"

"Karl-, I'm g-going to be s-sick again" he mumbled weakly.

"Ok love" Karl said placing the bin on his lap.

Sapnap spluttered painfully. Throwing up for the second time. Karl rubbed his back as he put his head in his hands taking deep breaths.

A doctor walked in at that moment. "Hey Nick- oh" he said it was the same one that helped quackity.

"What happened" she asked. "He's not feeling great unfortunately" quackity said. Stroking his lover's back.

"Oh honey, can you tell me why please," she asked her voice was sweet.

"I don't know I feel really dizzy like the rooms shaking" he said lifting his head up

"Ok probably because you list a lot of blood as well not eating for a while" she said checking around sapnaps bed looking at the machines making sure they were running smoothly.

"There's these protein bars from the cantine downstairs, they are less sickly then full meals I could try get some for you" she said.

"Thank you" sapnap said as she left the room.

"That's good honey, she was so nice to me when I was with her she'll look after you" quackity said.

"Why were you with her?" Sapnap asked genuinely confused.

"Sweetheart do you not remember" quackity asked him, sapnap shuck his head 
"baby I'm so sorry we'll tell you when we get home ok, do you know why you're in the hospital?" Karl asked

"A guy shot me"he replied running a hand through his hair.

"Do you know who and why?" Karl asked him. Sapnap shuck his head.

Quackity and Karl smiled sadly at each other. "We can talk when we are at home" Karl repeated.

"Are you done with this love can we take it off" Karl said. Sapnap shuck his head gagging and dry heaving.

"I feel so awful" sapnap said. "It's ok baby it'll be over soon" quackity said watching as his lover went through literal hell.

He hadn't eaten enough to throw up so he continued to dry heave through the night occasionally spitting into the bin.

His stomach hurt as did his back and neck.

"I want to go home" he cried. Putting his head on Karls shoulder. "I know I know soon I promise" quackity said.

"I want it to end" he said putting his dizzy head in his quivering hands retching again.

"Please make it stop" he sobbed both hands on his stomach almost digging his nails into it.

He was shaking violently while sobbing.

"Sweetheart hey it's ok just breathe" quackity said feeling sapnaps forehead, you feel a little warm baby are you hot?" He asked sapnap nodded.

They took the blanket off if him as he whimpered again.

The doctor came back in with a small box.

"Eat one of these if nothing else you'll feel better after actually throwing up something" she said as quackity opened a bar for him.

Sapnap took a small bite, "I'll see if I can get some anti nausea tablets as well" She said turning around.

"Eat that baby you'll feel better" Karl said not even able to imagine the pain he was in at the moment.

Sapnap eventually finished the whole bar and it helped a lot with the dizziness but he eventually threw it back up, even after that he felt a bit better.

He had taken the anti nausea tablets that had also made him slighty tired and loopy.

Sapnaps head was resting on Karl's shoulder. "It's Christmas in a week" Karl announced.

"Do I have to be in here for Christmas," sapnap said whining a bit. "It looks like it babe" Karl said. "Uhh I had so much planned" sapnap whined.

"How about when we get out and youre all better we can celebrate Christmas by ourselves just the three of us" quackity suggested excited to spend his first Christmas without that evil man he was condemned to.

"Ok I'm sorry I ruined Christmas for you" sapnap said. "No baby we can celebrate after ok you're not ruining anything" Karl said rubbing his back. Kissing his forehead.

Words 1211

Sorry I know its a bit crap.

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