he's back

75 4 3

Tw stalking,cutting,blood mentions

"no no no" he muttered. "Hey what's wrong bae" sapnap asked him. Quackity was shaking violently as a sob escaped his lips. "Hey baby what going on" Karl groaned sitting up despite his headache.

Quackity showed the phone to sapnap.

"That could be anyone it doesn't mean it's him" sapnap said. Quackity shuck his head covering his mouth with his hand.

"No it is him it's his number" quackity said trying not to have a panic attack.

"Sh sh sh I'm sure it's alright" sapnap soothed putting him on his lap. "He's meant to be in jail" he sobbed.

"I know I know but you're safe here ok you're safe" sapnap said.

Quackity cried more into sapnaps chest. "I'm so scared" quackity cried lightly hitting sapnaps back but stopped as he realised he might hurt him.

"No it's ok do whatever you need to do" sapnap said. Quackity dug his fingers into his back holding on tightly.

"Baby I'm not entirely sure what's going on but I'm sure you're alright ok you are safe here" Karl said.

Quackity's phone dinged again Karl picking it up.

' oh that's right, I'm back'

This time Karl started crying aswell. Sapnap took the phone from him seeing the message. Sapnap sighed pulling Karl into his waist.

"Guys I know this seems really bad but I promise I will never ever ever let anything happen to either of you ok you can trust me on that" he said.

Sapnap got up shutting the curtains going to go shut the rest of them in the house and making sure all the doors and windows were locked.

He went back to the bedroom seeing Karl trying to comfort quackity through his own cries and sobs.

"Babies how about we get changed into some comfy clothes and watch a movie or something worrying will just make it worse"sapnap suggested running his hand up and down quackity's back.

"I'm going t-to go for a s-shower" quackity said getting up running to the bathroom.

He needed to he just had to, he had done something wrong, he can't find him he just can't. He searched the cupboard for his razor.

He eventually found it hiding behind a few toilet paper rolls. He had brought it when he first moved in and was doing it almost consistently for the first few weeks but he had slowly stopped and hadn't for almost a month.

But after he let Karl get punched and he's putting his boyfriends in danger he needs to punish himself.

His therapist said he does this as he was always punished by him when he did wrong and he was so used to the idea of punishment it felt wrong not to have any.

He dragged the razor across his tanned skin he winced but immediately did it again.

"Deeper you deserve it" his mind told him. He was bleeding a lot blood covering his arm.

"What have I done" he whispered holding his arm.

He jumped in the shower washing himself thoroughly and then his hair.

His wrapped his arm in a bandage the bleeding had thankfully stopped so no blood showed through.

He walked in sapnap through him some clothes Karl and himself already dressed.

"Mi amor what happened to your arm" Karl asked.

"Nothing, cut it while shaving and I c-couldnt find the plasters" he said. "Shaving your arms" sapnap asked confused

"Yeah I always do" he replied. "Quackity can I see baby" Karl asked.

"No it's fine I don't want it to Start bleeding again"

"Quackity baby are you sure" Karl asked. "No it's ok everythings fine can we just drop this" he said slightly annoyed climbing into bed beside Karl who was in the middle.

Karl and sapnap looked at each other. Karl wrapped his arms around quackity holding him tightly as sapnap did the same for him. Sapnap turning on a Disney movie, they usually did this on bad trauma days usually sitting on the couch as they werent dating yet.

Quackity turned around snuggling into Karl's chest exhausted and just fell asleep in Karl's comforting arms.

Words 690

Merry Christmas

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